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مشاكل السحب: شركة Axi Brokerage تفشل في رعاية العملاء وسهولة استخدام المنصة
6-10 سنة
Withdrawal Woes: Axi's Customer Care Falls Short, Profits Hard to Retrieve
Terrible experience. My initial requests for withdrawal seemed to fall on deaf ears, despite reaching out multiple times via their support and emails. I struggled with the lack of progress and even asking my account manager yielded no results. In my experience, having the balance between efficient customer care services and platform usability is what sets brokers apart. Sadly, Axi has been a disappointment on these fronts. Before you consider partnering with them, it's wise to think over the potential hiccups you might face, especially when trying to retrieve your profits.
المنشور السابق
أنتشارات لا تقهر، تداول سريع جداً: تجربة تداول خمس نجوم
تم استثمار 100 ألف دولار بنجاح: برنامج موصى به بشدة
تعليقات الاسبوع
Deleno IFC
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Envi FX
Giraffe Markets
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