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Loss of deposited money. Induced fraud


1-2 years



In August 2023, a person named Bruno contacted me to convince me to register with the company Warren Bowie & Smith to offer their investment advisory services. (The truth is, I wanted to enter the world of the stock market, I read and had a beginner's course), later Dante Gallegos contacted me to ask me for the documents to verify the account. My first advisor Carlos Duran, I started with 200 dollars, they They gave me 200 more dollars for registering and investing, they convinced me to increase the account to earn more, we were earning about 700 dollars, but strangely one day when the broken advisor named Carlos Duran was missing, other people contacted me, advising me why Carlos was sick, and they didn't know when he was coming back, so he induced me to invest in some assets that made me lose everything, the next day Carlos contacted me and told me that my account had been liquidated, I said well, no way until I got there, Carlos the broken or advisor told me, I already talked to the company, we are going to give you 200 dollars, I said well, then we continue, it turns out that later he told me to invest more because he earned well and that he could earn up to 10 thousand dollars in the month, but that there was to invest, the company gave me guaranteed openings with 50% etc etc, that I invested 5 thousand dollars and that in a week I recovered the investment and with guaranteed profits and I did it, I invested 5000 dollars, no one told me about leverages and other things that I did not know , it actually made the account go up, I tried to withdraw $3,000 dollars and it took me a week and he didn't let me, again Carlos no longer attended to me from one day to the next, Daniel Carmona began to assist me, who told me that due to the operations open, I couldn't withdraw money, but they were going to advise me that I was more conservative, well the same thing happens again, he tells me what to invest etc etc, that the account is going to be liquidated, and that for every 1000 dollars they put 2000, in total $9,900.00 dollars, I invested in gold and other assets and I won, it turns out that Daniel told me what assets to invest in, and most of them went in the opposite direction, every day they required investing large amounts putting the account at risk , again on Monday 10-30-2023, they contact me again and again 2 (Nicolas and Aquiles) different advisors, so that I can invest in some assets, ask for Danie, and they tell me that he was going to be absent for a few days, these advisors They make me invest in assets that immediately go to a loss and hooo!!! Incredibly, Daniel appears and tells me why I invested, I explained to him what happened and he told me we had to save the account before it was liquidated, he made me deposit another 1000 dollars because he wanted me to deposit 5 thousand dollars, because he was going to do some reopenings , and that's what that money was used for. I was winning on my investments and they have dedicated themselves to making me lose, it's incredible. At this moment that I write, I am still with them, but they have already overwhelmed me, now they are asking me for at least 5 thousand more dollars to invest so that the account is not going to be liquidated, I have already invested $$9,900.00 dollars, which in Mexican pesos is approximately $178,200.00 mx ., it is a lot of money for me and the sad thing is that I am about to lose it and it is resources from my family or from my wife, daughters and me and some bank loans. Yesterday 01-11-202 made me close positions in losses for more than 8 thousand dollars with the Nasdaq and the Currency and the same day those assets went up... I am not going to give them more money, I know that they are going to try to convince or intimidate me if I do not give the money, which I will not give it, for what I will lose everything invested, today I understand that this is an induced fraud. I have all my deposits and covers of my progress from where it starts and where it goes up, I have profits of 34 thousand dollars and they took care of downloading everything. What can I do, how They help me, what do they advise me to do.


Perdida de dinero depositado / Fraude inducido

En Agosto de 2023 me contactó una persona llamada Bruno para convencerme y registrarme en la empresa Warren Bowie & Smith para ofrecer sus servicios de asesoría en inversiones. ( la verdad queria entrar al mundo de la bolsa de valores lei y tuve un curso de principiantes), posterior me contacta Dante Gallegos para pedirme los documentos para la verificacion de la cuenta, Mi primer asesor Carlos Duran, Comencé con 200 dólares, ellos me dieron 200 dolares mas, por registrarme e invertir, me convencieron para incrementar la cuenta para para ganar más, íbamos ganando unos 700 dólares, pero raro un dia que falto el broken asesor llamado Carlos Duran, me contacto otra personas, asesorandome por que carlos estaba enfermos, y no sabian cuando regresaba, por lo que me indujo a invertir en unos activos que me hicieron perder todo, al otro dia me contacta carlos y me dice que mi cuenta se había liquidado, dije bueno ni modos hasta ahi llegue, Carlos el broken o asesor me dijo ya hable con la empresa te vamos a dar 200 dólares, dije bueno entonces seguimos, resulta que despues me dice que le invierta más que se ganaba bien y que podía ganar hasta 10 mil dólares en el mes, pero que había que invertir, la empresa me daba aperturas aseguradas con el 50% etc etc, que invirtiera 5 mil dólares y que en una semana recuperaba la inversión y con ganancias aseguradas y lo hice inverti 5000 dolares, nadie me habló de apalancamientos y otras cosas que desconocía, hizo que la cuenta en realidad subiera, quize retirar $3,000 dolares y me llevo una semana y no me dejo, de nuevo Carlos ya no me atendio de un dia para otro, me empezó a atender Daniel Carmona, quien me dijo que por las operaciones abiertas no podia retirar dinero, pero que el me iban a asesorar que era mas conservador, pues vuelve a pasar lo mismo, me dice que hat que invertir etc etc, que la cuenta se va a liquidar, y que por cada 1000 dolares ellos ponen 2000,  en fin en total $9,900.00 dolares, inverti al oro y otros activos y ganaba, resulta que Daniel me decía, en qué activos invertir, y la mayoría se iban en sentido contrario, todo los días requerían invertir grandes cantidades poniendo la cuenta en riesgo, nuevamente el lunes 30-10-2023, me contactan una vez y otra vez 2 (Nicolas y  Aquiles) asesore distintos, para que invierta en unos activos, pregunte por Danie, y me dicen que iba a estar ausente unos días, estos asesore me hacen invertir en activos que de inmediato se van a pérdida y hooo!!!  increíble aparece Daniel y me dice que por que invertí, le explique lo que pasó y me dice hay que salvar la cuenta antes que se liquide, me hizo depositarles otros 1000 dólares porque quiere que se deposite 5 mil dólares, por que va hacer unas reaperturas, y que ese dinero para eso se ocupaba.Yo ganaba en mis inversiones y ellos se han dedicado a que yo pierda es increíble. En este momento que escribo sigo con ellos, pero ya me colmaron, ahora me piden por lo menos 5 mil dolares mas para invertir para que la cuenta no se vaya a liquidar, ya llevo invertido $$9,900.00 dólares que en pesos mexicanos son aproximadamente $178,200.00 mx., es bastante dinero para mi y lo triste es que estoy apunto de perderlo y son recursos de mis familia o se de mi esposa hijas y mío y algunos préstamos bancarios.El día de ayer 01-11-202 me hizo cerrar posiciones en pérdidas por más de 8 mil dólares con el Nasdaq y la Divisa y el mismo día esos activos, subieron…No pienso darles más dinero, se que me van a tratar de convencer o de intimidar si no doy el dinero, que no lo daré, por lo que perderé todo lo invertido, hoy entiendo que esto es un fraude inducido.tengo todos mis depositos y caratulas de mi progreso desde donde incie donde sube llehgue a tener de ganancias 34 mil dolares y todo se encargaron de bajarmelo.que puedo hacer, como me ayudan, que me aconsejan hacer.

Mexico 2023-11-02

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