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عرض التفاصيل
هونغ كونغ
I was attracted to deposit twice, up to 100,000, by the high and 100% profit which the clerk of BIT BUD said. The account fund was over 780,000 with the lead of programmer. I have to pay 10% personal income tax when I witdhrew and then they said the bank card info was wrong and I have to pay 10% margin.
هونغ كونغ
After investing 10,0000 in BIT BUD, I was required to pay 10% personal income tax. He said that the information of bank card was wrong. After confirmation, the backstage staff changed it intentionally. After the bank card was confirmed to be normal, he also required to pay 10% margin fee to withdraw cash. He also asked to pay margin fee as soon as possible, and the account fund would be frozen within 48 hours! People with wechat can't be contacted, and the account shows abnormal status!
هونغ كونغ
I saw the clerk posted that he knew the bug and can profit 100% in the moments. So I deposited 80,000 and the amount was over 760,000 after profit. I should pay 10% personal income fee to withdraw. Then I was told my bank card number was wrong after I paid the fee so I have to pay certification fee 10%. While they said I didn’t authenticate and I need paid the fee twice or my account would be frozen forever. In fact, they modified my bank card number to let me pay certification fee. Capital tray. I just want my principal back.
هونغ كونغ
It’s said that we must profit if we use this platform because of the bug in this platform. I was recommended to download 111 on August 3. I deposited 100,000 on August 6 and I was told that I should pay 10%, over 70,000 of the personal income tax if I want to withdraw. I was going to pay on September 10 and they said there would be no fee except the personal income tax and 2% service fee. Then the customer service said I should pay 10% margin to withdraw because it was more than ten days. Now I expose this platform and wanna my withdrawal!