Als unabhängige Informationsdienstplattform Dritter ist WikiFX bestrebt, den Nutzern umfassende und objektive Abfragedienste für regulatorische Händlerinformationen bereitzustellen. WikiFX beteiligt sich nicht direkt an Devisenhandelsaktivitäten und bietet auch keinerlei Handelskanalempfehlungen oder Anlageberatung an. Die Händlerbewertung durch WikiFX basiert auf objektiven Informationen aus öffentlichen Kanälen und berücksichtigt vollständig die Unterschiede in der Regulierungspolitik in verschiedenen Ländern und Regionen. Händlerbewertungen sind das Kernprodukt von WikiFX. Wir lehnen jegliche Geschäftspraktiken ab, die der Objektivität und Unparteilichkeit schaden könnten, und begrüßen die Aufsicht und Vorschläge von Benutzern auf der ganzen Welt. Hotline melden:
Herr Subash Singh Betrug
3-5 Jahre
Mr Subash Singh Scam
I am the only me and I and no users where allowed the rights to violate my privacy my technology data or resorces. Instead To date I do not have access to the main account listed to me of which has made my life impossible to start over after spending 16 years of my life to build a future fir myself. Instead for over 3 to 4 years not I had been forced out of my data access resorces and more having to think that his had abandoned me only to realize that Subash Singh I'd 781030506708 had been illegally using my identity and manipulating a system whereby I was forced to believe that my identity is not who I am by the lies and abd public Exposes illegally obtained and used my social accounts to offset naming tools to identity my self in a fake duscrition that to reality of which has been extremely traumatic abd difficult uon my life to try and rebuild as my every attempt I am faced by daily struggles that of an illegal system created by Subash Singh in global terms Bd time zones where deceptively actioned upon my life and illegal violations to every friend 8r relation had been physically destroyed through the actions of Subash Singh leaving me in my true life faced with with many different issues emotionally struggling to feel again due to the manipulations to my identity that was created by Subash Singh and his illegal use of my identity that caused humans harm abd used deceptive tech support to make me believe that I am the cause instead in truth subash had been soliciting assets through my identity and banks and left ne pennyless begging for food. He digitally used auto fill agreements signing off on the actions he caused also to pray for the wellness of himself and his family and I my good nature i had honoured this in good faith regardless to his actions and violent intentions to date my account balance is in a negative state abd i face loosing my home by his actions.
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