Als unabhängige Informationsdienstplattform Dritter ist WikiFX bestrebt, den Nutzern umfassende und objektive Abfragedienste für regulatorische Händlerinformationen bereitzustellen. WikiFX beteiligt sich nicht direkt an Devisenhandelsaktivitäten und bietet auch keinerlei Handelskanalempfehlungen oder Anlageberatung an. Die Händlerbewertung durch WikiFX basiert auf objektiven Informationen aus öffentlichen Kanälen und berücksichtigt vollständig die Unterschiede in der Regulierungspolitik in verschiedenen Ländern und Regionen. Händlerbewertungen sind das Kernprodukt von WikiFX. Wir lehnen jegliche Geschäftspraktiken ab, die der Objektivität und Unparteilichkeit schaden könnten, und begrüßen die Aufsicht und Vorschläge von Benutzern auf der ganzen Welt. Hotline melden:
DRINGENDE WARNUNG - Die JasFX hält illegal Anlegervermögen zurück
Innerhalb 1 Jahres
URGENT ALERT - The JasFX is illegally withholding investor assets
I am the account holder of MT5 account 157052, a customer of the JasFX since November 2023. I regret having to publicly complain that the JasFX has failed to process my withdrawal request, despite my numerous attempts to follow up on this matter.Specifically, I have sent 22 emails to the email and contacted the hotline 1900 099 970 on 11 times from May 7, 2024 to June 5, 2024, requesting that JasFX process my withdrawal of $5,000. However, the JasFX has yet to fulfill this request.Despite my continuous reminders and emphasis on the urgency of this issue, the JasFX has only responded by "acknowledging the problem" and stating they will "investigate the informationand respond as soon as possible", without providing any specific reasons for the delay. I feel the JasFX is intentionally delaying and ignoring my request in order to misappropriate investor assets.The JasFX's failure to process my withdrawal has caused me significant harm. I have had to bearlosses from being unable to continue trading, and I have also faced difficulties in my daily expenses.This delay or refusal to process withdrawal orders not only violates the JasFX's commitments toinvestors, but also erodes the trust of the community in the financial market. I urge everyone who has, is, or plans to trade on the JasFX to be vigilant and carefully consider their decision.I have decided to publicly post this complaint on various online platforms to warn the community about JasFX's failure to process customer withdrawal requests. I hope this post will help other investors avoid similar troubles.Please share this post to alert as many investors as possible about the risks involved. We need to stand up and demand that JasFX immediately cease this unacceptable behavior
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