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NewRGY Imex: Potenzieller Betrug und eingefrorene Gelder
Innerhalb 1 Jahres
NewRGY Imex: Potential fraud and funds frozen
NewRGY Imex: I am writing to formally report a serious concern regarding NewRGY Imex, I suspect to be engaged in fraudulent activities. I have been a client of this company, and unfortunately, I am now facing a situation that raises significant red flags. Recently, I deposited funds with NewRGY Imex: , but these funds have been placed in a frozen state without any clear explanation. Despite my repeated attempts to resolve the issue, the company has now demanded an additional deposit of 20% of my current holdings in order to release the frozen funds. They have also issued a warning that failure to comply with this demand within a week will result in the permanent freezing of all my assets. They have accepted my withdrawal request and rejected it subsequent. This situation appears to be a coercive and fraudulent tactic designed to extract more money under false pretenses. I am deeply concerned and appreciate any help in this regards. Thanks in advance.
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