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LONG ASIA GROUP: Anfängerfreundliche Plattform mit gemischtem Kundenservice und begrenzter Instrumentenauswahl
6-10 Jahre
LONG ASIA GROUP: Beginner-Friendly Platform with Mixed Customer Service and Limited Instrument Selection
Alrighty, lend me your ears, here's my take on LONG ASIA GROUP. The platform is no trouble at all, and the beginner's resources? Real sweet deal! They've got a neat spread of account types, a good fit for beginners and old hands alike. And the spreads and fees? Spot on, you wouldn't feel fleeced. But the customer service, well, it's swings and roundabouts - some days it's all hunky-dory, other times it's as slow as a snail on sedatives. And the line-up of trading instruments? Quite spartan. If you're an old salt looking for an assortment, you might feel a bit let down with LONG ASIA GROUP.
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