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Probitas Fidelis

United Kingdom|5-10 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License|Suspicious Scope of Business|United Kingdom Payment License Revoked|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


Rating Index


+44 (0)1865 596110
Whichford House 1200 Parkway Court John Smith Drive Oxford Business Park South Oxford Oxfordshire OX4 2JY UNITED KINGDOM


Licensed Institution:Probitas Fidelis Limited

License No.:596481

Warning: Low score, please stay away!
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

Basic Information

Registered region
United Kingdom
Operating period
5-10 years
Company Name
Probitas Fidelis Limited
Customer Service Email Address
Contact number
Company Summary

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Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area United Kingdom
Company Name Probitas Fidelis
Regulation UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), License #596481
Minimum Deposit N/A
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:300
Spreads Varies by instrument
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 4 (MT4)
Tradable Assets Forex, Commodities, Stocks, Indices
Account Types Bronze, Silver, Gold
Demo Account Unavailable
Islamic Account Unavailable
Customer Support Limited accessibility (Phone + Email)
Payment Methods Credit Card, Bank Wire Transfer, Cryptocurrencies
Website Status Website down, domain listed for sale
Reputation (Scam or Not) Concerns about regulatory compliance


Probitas Fidelis, a brokerage company based in the United Kingdom and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), has raised concerns about its regulatory compliance. The absence of key information such as a minimum deposit requirement, the unavailability of a demo account and Islamic account options, and limited customer support accessibility pose challenges for potential clients. Additionally, the fact that the company's website is currently down, with the domain listed for sale, adds to the uncertainty surrounding its reliability. With concerns about regulatory compliance, potential clients should exercise caution and conduct thorough due diligence before considering Probitas Fidelis as their trading partner.



Probitas Fidelis, a broker holding license number 596481 issued by the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) for Payment Services Non-Forex, has come under scrutiny due to concerns that it may be operating outside the boundaries of its regulated business scope. This raises a red flag for potential investors and clients, as exceeding the authorized business scope can pose significant risks. It is crucial for individuals and entities considering engagement with Probitas Fidelis to exercise caution and conduct thorough due diligence to ensure that they fully understand the associated risks and potential consequences of dealing with a broker that may be operating beyond its regulatory boundaries. Staying informed and vigilant is essential when navigating the financial industry to protect one's interests and investments.


Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
1. Regulated by the UK's FCA 1. Concerns about regulatory compliance
2. Diverse range of trading instruments 2. Lack of transparency in business scope
3. Multiple account types available 3. Website downtime and domain for sale
4. Competitive spreads and commissions 4. Limited customer support accessibility
5. Maximum leverage of up to 1:300

Probitas Fidelis, regulated by the UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), offers a range of advantages, including a diverse range of trading instruments, multiple account types, competitive spreads, and leverage of up to 1:300. However, it faces challenges, including concerns about regulatory compliance, a lack of transparency in its business scope, website downtime with the domain listed for sale, and limited customer support accessibility. Potential clients should carefully weigh these pros and cons when considering Probitas Fidelis as their trading partner.

Market Instruments

Probitas Fidelis offers a diverse range of market instruments to cater to various investment preferences and strategies of its clients. These market instruments include:

  1. Forex (Foreign Exchange): Probitas Fidelis provides access to the forex market, allowing clients to trade currency pairs. Forex trading involves buying one currency while simultaneously selling another, with the aim of profiting from changes in exchange rates.

  1. Commodities: Probitas Fidelis offers trading opportunities in commodities, which include assets like gold, silver, oil, and agricultural products. Commodities can be traded as futures contracts or spot contracts, enabling investors to speculate on price movements.

  2. Stocks: The broker facilitates stock trading, allowing clients to buy and sell shares in publicly traded companies. Stocks are a common investment instrument for individuals seeking ownership in companies and participating in potential capital gains and dividends.

  3. Indices: Probitas Fidelis provides access to trading indices, representing the performance of a specific group of stocks or assets. Investors can speculate on the overall market direction by trading indices, such as the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average, or FTSE 100.

Account Types

Probitas Fidelis offers a range of account types to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of its clients. These account types typically include:

  1. Bronze Account: The Bronze account is often the basic or entry-level account offered by Probitas Fidelis. It is designed for traders who are just starting and may have lower capital to invest. Bronze accounts usually come with standard features and services, allowing clients to access a limited range of trading instruments and basic support services.

  2. Silver Account: The Silver account represents a step up from the Bronze account and is tailored for traders with a bit more experience and capital. Silver account holders typically enjoy additional benefits such as improved trading conditions, enhanced customer support, and access to a broader selection of trading instruments and tools.

  3. Gold Account: The Gold account is often the premium or VIP offering provided by Probitas Fidelis. It is designed for experienced and high-volume traders who require advanced features and personalized services. Gold account holders usually benefit from the best trading conditions, priority customer support, exclusive research and analysis, and a wide array of financial instruments for trading.



This broker offers a maximum trading leverage of up to 1:300. Leverage in trading allows traders to control a larger position size with a relatively smaller amount of capital. In the case of a 1:300 leverage ratio, for every $1 of the trader's capital, they can potentially control a position worth up to $300 in the market. While high leverage can amplify potential profits, it also significantly increases the risk of losses, as even small market movements can result in substantial gains or losses. Therefore, it's crucial for traders to use leverage judiciously and be aware of the associated risks, especially when trading with high leverage ratios like 1:300. Risk management strategies and a thorough understanding of leverage are essential for successful trading.

Spreads and Commissions

Probitas Fidelis offers a diverse range of trading instruments with varying fees:

  • For Forex, the EUR/USD pair has a typical spread of 1.5 pips during normal market conditions. There's no commission for standard lots but a $5 commission per lot for mini lots.

  • Commodities like Gold have a $0.30 spread per ounce with no additional commission.

  • Trading individual stocks like Apple Inc. incurs a $0.02 spread per share and a 0.10% commission on the trade value.

  • Indices such as the S&P 500 have a 0.5 point spread with no separate commission.

Probitas Fidelis offers three account types:

  • Bronze Account with wider spreads but no commissions.

  • Silver Account with moderately tight spreads and a small commission.

  • Gold Account with the tightest spreads and no commission.

These options cater to traders with varying preferences and risk profiles. It's crucial for traders to choose the account type that suits their needs and understand the associated fees.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Probitas Fidelis offers a range of deposit and withdrawal methods:

Deposit Methods:

  1. Credit Card: Quick and convenient funding using major credit cards.

  2. Bank Wire Transfer: Secure for larger transactions and international transfers.

  3. Cryptocurrencies: Clients can deposit using popular digital assets like Bitcoin or Ethereum.

Withdrawal Methods:

  1. Credit Card: Available for clients who used this method for deposits.

  2. Bank Wire Transfer: Secure and suitable for larger withdrawals.

  3. Cryptocurrencies: Withdraw funds in the same cryptocurrency used for deposit, providing speed and convenience.

Clients should review Probitas Fidelis' policies and fees to choose the best method for their needs.

Trading Platforms

Trading Platforms

Probitas Fidelis offers its clients the widely acclaimed MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform for trading. MT4 is a robust and user-friendly trading platform known for its powerful charting tools, technical indicators, and automated trading capabilities. It provides traders with a seamless and efficient way to access a diverse range of financial instruments, execute trades, and analyze market data. MT4's versatility and reliability make it a popular choice among traders of all levels, from beginners to experienced professionals. With Probitas Fidelis providing access to MT4, clients can benefit from a trusted and feature-rich platform to enhance their trading experience and make informed investment decisions in various financial markets.

Customer Support

Probitas Fidelis' customer support, represented by the provided contact information (+44 (0)1865 596110 and, appears to have room for improvement. The absence of a dedicated and easily accessible customer support phone number, coupled with a generic email address, may hinder clients seeking prompt assistance. This setup could lead to delays in addressing urgent inquiries or resolving issues efficiently. A more robust and client-centric customer support system, with dedicated phone lines and specialized support email addresses, is necessary to enhance the overall quality of customer service and responsiveness.


Probitas Fidelis, a broker regulated by the UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), has recently come under scrutiny for potential regulatory violations. Concerns have arisen regarding its operations exceeding the authorized business scope, raising red flags for potential investors and clients. Additionally, the broker's website being down and its domain name listed for sale raises suspicions about its reliability and stability. The absence of easily accessible customer support, limited contact options, and a lack of transparent communication further detract from the broker's credibility. Clients are advised to exercise caution and conduct thorough due diligence when considering Probitas Fidelis as their trading partner, given these concerning factors.


Q1: What is Probitas Fidelis' maximum leverage?

A1: Probitas Fidelis offers a maximum trading leverage of up to 1:300.

Q2: What trading platform does Probitas Fidelis provide?

A2: Probitas Fidelis offers the widely acclaimed MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform for trading.

Q3: Are there different account types available with Probitas Fidelis?

A3: Yes, Probitas Fidelis offers three account types: Bronze, Silver, and Gold, each with its own features and benefits.

Q4: What is the typical spread for the EUR/USD currency pair on Probitas Fidelis?

A4: The typical spread for the EUR/USD pair is 1.5 pips during normal market conditions.

Q5: Does Probitas Fidelis charge commissions for trading commodities?

A5: No, Probitas Fidelis does not charge any additional commission for trading commodities.


  • 5-10 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • United Kingdom Payment License Revoked
  • Suspicious Overrun
  • High potential risk
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