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FP Markets

Entry Time 2021-03-25

Time Machine


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Pyramid scheme complaint

Fraudulent deposits, can't make withdrawals in the latter days, and the platform disappeared

At the beginning, I have known Cooper Investment Company on Facebook at the end of March 2012. They later invited me to join the LINE group and said that I could request stock information (investment in stocks). There was no problem at the beginning and I also made profits. But after April and May of 2012, many stocks began to be locked up. Later, assistant Shen Mengyao said that investment teacher Chen Huafeng would lead everyone to invest in crude oil futures trading and help us earn back our capital from the locked-up stocks, and said We have been investing in crude oil since 2011, and everyone made a lot of money last year. Many members of the LINE group have participated and truly made a lot of money. In June 2012, Cooper started to invite members who wanted to participate in crude oil investment to join FP Markets - Commissioner Liu's LINE, and asked Commissioner Liu to teach us how to open an account. I didn't join the investment in June 2012 because I thought it was risky. Later, I heard from other members that they really made lots of profits, and they could withdraw to their requested accounts, so I became interested and joined the crude oil trading. The platform we originally joined was '', and the deposit method was Yongdao - Shen Mengyao asked us to join the person with the LINE nickname "Zunxin Virtual Assets". This is Huobi Merchant (Virtual Currency U Merchant), and we are going to hand the cash of Taiwan dollars to the U merchant in the face, they gave us USDT coins, and then we stored them in our own TRC electronic wallet (TMnKLJ7G6yaX2LvBScaLCdm2EKMnZohMos). I have made 5 batches of deposits since 12/6/7, in total of NT 3 million. Because I had to pay a commission to Commissioner Liu for the money earned during the transaction. The NT 125,000 (3993U) was deposited into the fraudulent account that Commissioner Liu requested at that time. (TDGJ4KaUwx3A3azQ3u9kmkghnuYDVjixMa). After depositing on 12/6/16, the amount reached the large-user zone (more than 3 million), so on that day, they asked me to change to a different platform, '', to do the deposition and withdraw process, because they told me that the level becomes different. That night, Zhang Kezeng from the group said that his friend was playing Bitcoin. Today, 12/6/16 (Friday), is a good timing for Bitcoin. He said you were not investing in crude oil at the moment anyway, so it should be okay if you tried Bitcoin first. I knew Zhang Kezeng in the early days of the group, so I followed him to buy Bitcoin without any doubt of him. I felt very strange during the process. The account kept losing money. I asked him what was happening at the time, but it was too late. The account had been completely lost and turned into a negative balance (when converted into Taiwan dollars, negative around NT$1 million ). I was very nervous at the moment. I explained to the assistant Shen Mengyao, and Shen said: You did not follow Teacher Chen's guide and you must make up for the negative balance in your account quickly, otherwise the platform will sue you in court. Because I was very nervous at the time, I quickly raised money to make up for the negative balance in the account. Therefore, I exchanged NT 1.5 million (47923U) with the U merchant on 112/6/2 again and then deposited it into my account. Among them, 1 million is to make up for the loss, and 500,000 is to continue investing to make back the money I lost. So I continued to invest in crude oil from 12/6/21. Because the amount was small, I had to pay a commission of 45% every day, so I remitted money from Mega Bank to Taishin Bank (2888-1010-5376-09) on 112/6/22. -NT 18,803 yuan, remittance from Mega Bank to Taishin Bank on 112/6/23 (2888-1010-5376-09) -NT 19,437 yuan, remittance from Mega Bank to Land Bank 005 on 112/6/27 (0000064005380276)- NT 20,846 yuan. In fact, on 12/6/26, I felt Cooper was a bit strange, so on 12/6/27, I tried to withdraw 700U to my Mega Bank. At that time, I received 700U (NT$21,987). I have a Mega account, but the transaction was very slow, it took me a long time to receive the remittance. And what I received was a remittance from Taishin Bank (0000263540198824) to Mega Bank on 12/6/28. Later on 12/6/27, the investment teacher - Chen Huafeng said, that the amount of my investment was too low, and it was troublesome for me to keep paying commissions. he suggested that I withdraw all the remaining funds and quit. Because I was in a hurry to use money at the time, I decided to quit after considering it. I applied to withdrawal all my balance to Mega Bank on 12/6/28. Normally, it should have arrived at my designated Megabank bank account on 12/6/29. But after 7 p.m. on 12/6/28, I started to realize that the LINE group was not trading crude oil. At that moment, I felt as if I had been scammed, so I went to the platform to check if there was no problem with my account (m. fpmarkpro .vip). Later I discovered that the platform could no longer be accessed. I was sure that I had been defrauded, so I hurried to the Taoyuan branch to report the crime.

2023-10-03 14:56


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