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Entry Time 2020-09-02

Time Machine

2020 years 10 Month
Time2020 years 10 Month
Pyramid scheme complaint

Fraud group!! FXCN has become Topfc Banking Coproration. Location:Hong Kong Sar IP Address:

Be careful of fraud group! There are many victims now. Give me fake receipt after I withdrew. And I have to pay money to prove that I don’t launder the money. It doesn’t make sense. The name of 111 has been changed, you can see the first two pictures. Besides, they logged in to my email before but my email address needs a verification code to log in. The Fig 4 is about their location, Hong Kong SAR. They cheat you into investing here by WeChat!!! Their platform link now:

2020-12-16 07:13
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw; requires a deposit!?!?!?

I met this guy called "Jay" of Chinese origin on Tinder. His Chinese name is as far as it is not also a lie "Meixue Wen (last name) Chen Tingwei (first name)". Not sure if it is true. Well, I am pretty sure, the pictures are true because I live in Munich and he pretended to be in Munich during I was absent for 6 weeks, so communication was just by whatsapp. I lost $83.000 to this website. And when I wanted to remove $20.000 customer service told me that I have to pay a deposit of the same amount.Well, I was really stupid. I work in law enforcement and already early I quecked if he is registered to any residence or the residence he claimed which is a law in Germany. I couldn't find any residence permit in this name and this birthdate but I excused it by thinking I got his name wrong. There were also many other indicators but I was also a bit in love and love makes blind. After I found out I tracked his telephone and he is located in Singapore. Further investigations produced that he usually resides in Australia. I am working now towards a Red Notice from Interpol He must feel very safe. Please guys be careful out there, be vigilante and don't talk about your money with strangers. It is not so easy getting rich but with me the greed was stronger. Thanks for reading. (too lazy to proof read, sorry)

2021-05-16 09:19
Unable to Withdraw

The platform of FXCN has been changed to Topfc banking corporation

When I first met this woman’s name Lin Yuxin, I opened an account I started to invest in XAU/USD. After several months, it accumulated to US$183,200. I started withdrawing money but I still didn’t withdraw the money. The platform customer service has always been various There are various reasons to say, what are the deposits, bank fees, fees, and the epidemic, etc., feel cheated. This woman is Lin Yuxin, Fuzhou, China, born on October 4, 1990, a fashion designer,

2021-03-08 16:12

Beware of teh fruad group. Will my orders be frozen if I trade when I am withdrawing funds?

The victim met a Chinese female liar on Facebook. The female liar claimed that she was the boss and drove a sports car. As a result, she introduced ways and platforms to invest and make money. After the female liar's guidance and financial temptation, the victim tried to make 100 dollars. In just a few days, I made a lot of money, and the customer service also issued some deposit discounts, such as 2k USD to get 500 USD. The female scammer also helped the victim to deposit part of the gold and the remaining money for the victim. The victim successfully withdrew more than 400 US dollars for the first time. On the way to withdraw 1k USD for the second time, the victim went to make a transaction and the transaction was frozen. The customer service said that he would have to pay 3k USD to remove the risk before normal operation can be performed. After a quarrel, the female scammer decided to help into the HKD 2500 USD The victim put in RM500 to remove the risk, but the superior responded that the account was registered in Malaysia and the payment in Hong Kong dollars was refunded. As a result, the account was frozen after a week. If you want to unfreeze and operate normally, you need to pay 3k USD to unfreeze the account and 3k USD to release the risk. Is there any platform that needs money to withdraw your own funds? The following is the platform connection of the fraud group: latest They will open more pages to deceive people Fraud group bank account: 8010553814 EO Valley Sdn Bhd CIMB Bank

2020-12-27 21:19
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to Withdraw

Scam group! ! Previously, the FXCN platform had changed the Topfc Banking Coproration location, Hong Kong Sar IP Address:, with a tax fee of 20% and a notary fee of 500 US dollars. . . The withdrawals have not been accounted until now. I also said that the money has been remitted, and it has been blocked by the financial department of our country. I said that I need to pay another two thousand three dollars to get the account, but I went to the bank to check and the bank said There is no money to be transferred. . . Now I don’t know what to do. This is the first time I withdraw cash. There is still a sum of money in my account that has not been withdrawn yet. . . Is there any way to help me

2021-01-21 23:49
Unable to Withdraw

FXCN gives no access to withdrawals. Induced fraud

Induced to open four accounts. The first person led to recharge about three thousand dollars, and the money was lost. The third account has USD 237. I applied for a withdrawal on Monday, but I still haven't received the money. I asked the customer service every day. The customer service did not reply to me yesterday. In the second account, I topped up US$100 and withdrew it once. The account had more than US$4,200 in October. When withdrawing, the customer service said that I had to give US$840 to withdraw. I did not give. I consulted another customer service, who said that as long as I opened a new account, with a top-up of US$400, he would help me transfer the money from the second account. I saw that it was cheaper, so I recharged. This is my fourth account. Later, the customer service said that he was not sure when it would be transferred. I want the money, so I asked the customer service of the second account and asked her if she could stop the account and transferred my balance to the fourth account to withdraw directly. She said yes. After giving a deposit of US$840, she said that I had two accounts, which involved money laundering, and the accounts were frozen. To unfreeze accounts, 1020 USD is required. I suspected that she didn't give it, and then comnsulted the customer service for the fourth account. The customer service said that as long as the expedited fee, she could unfreeze the account within three days and transfer the money from the second account. So I gave her an expedited fee of US$600 on October 25 to transfer the money, but I haven't transferred it until today. One week after giving the expedited fee, I asked the customer service if I could withdraw the account opening and expedited fee. She said yes, so I made a withdrawal of US$1057, which has not been withdrawn until today. She said if it was done she would let me know, or she won’t reply. I have about US$6,400 stuck there.

2020-11-21 12:19

    FXCN · Company Summary

    General Information

    FXCN is a newly-established online forex and CFD broker allegedly registered in China, offering a diversified trading instruments including forex currency pairs, stocks, indices, commodities. The information on FXCNs website is minimal, even its real office address not disclosed.

    Official Website Unavailable

    Since FXCNs office website cannot be accessible for the moment, we could only collect some related information from some broker review website to get a rough idea of this broker.

    Market Instruments

    With FXCN, traders can get access to a diversified range of trading products including forex pairs, stocks, commodity, indices and more.


    FXCN does not provide any information on trading leverage. Since leverage can magnify gains as well as losses, inexperienced traders are not advised to use too-high lever.

    Customer Support

    FXCN offers a poor customer support service and they can be only reached through an email: Other more common channels like phone call and online chat are not available.


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