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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


United States|5-10 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License|Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


Rating Index


+1 6465862199
The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

Warning: Low score, please stay away!
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

Basic Information

Registered region
United States
Operating period
5-10 years
Company Name
Whale Market Inc.
Customer Service Email Address
Contact number
Company website
Company Summary

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Company Summary

Whale Review Summary in 7 Points
Regulation NFA unauthorized
Market Instruments Forex, commodities and metals, CFDs on crypto and derivatives
Demo Account Not Available
Leverage Up to 1:100
Trading Platforms CryptoColt, Crypto Countdown Trader
Minimum Deposit $100
Customer Support Contact us form, email, phone

What is Whale?

Whale Market Inc., abbreviated as Whale, provides a range of financial instruments including forex, commodities, metals, CFDs on cryptocurrencies and derivatives to its clients. It's worth noting that Whale currently under NFA (National Futures Association) unauthorized regulations with license number 0523180, casting doubts on its legitimacy.

Whale's homepage

In the upcoming article, we will comprehensively analyze this broker's attributes from various angles, delivering clear and well-organized information. If you find this topic intriguing, we encourage you to continue reading. At the conclusion of the article, we will provide a concise summary to offer you a quick grasp of the broker's key features.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
• Acceptable minimum deposit • NFA Unauthorized
• No deposit fees • Download links for trading platforms invalid
• Segregated bank accounts • Negative reports on WikiFX


  1. Acceptable minimum deposit: Whale offers a reasonable minimum deposit requirement at $100, making it accessible to a broader range of traders who do not have large initial capital.

  2. No deposit fees: Traders can fund their accounts without incurring any deposit fees, allowing them to allocate their funds more efficiently for trading.

  3. Segregated bank accounts: Whale maintains segregated bank accounts for client funds, which provides an additional layer of security and helps protect traders' funds from misuse or mishandling.


  1. NFA Unauthorized: The lack of authorization from the NFA (National Futures Association) raises regulatory concerns, as it means the broker operates without oversight from a recognized financial regulatory body.

  2. Invalid download links for trading platforms: The presence of invalid download links for its trading platforms indicates technical issues or lack of maintenance, which disrupt clients' access to essential trading tools and functionalities.

  3. Negative reports on WikiFX: Negative reports about withdrawal issues and malicious liquidation on platforms like WikiFX suggest possible issues with the broker's reputation, customer service, or trading conditions, which could deter clients and raise questions about the broker's reliability and trustworthiness.

Is Whale Legit or a Scam?

When considering the safety of a brokerage like Whale or any other platform, it's important to conduct thorough research and consider various factors.

  • Regulatory sight: The NFA (National Futures Association) unauthorization with license number 0523180, under which the broker operates, presents risks due to the absence of comprehensive protection for traders using its platform. This indicates that the broker does not offer the same level of regulatory oversight and investor safeguards as fully licensed entities, exposing traders to higher levels of risk.

Unauthorized NFA license
  • User feedback: There are 4 reports about being unable to withdraw and malicious liquidation on WikiFX, which to some extent questions the broker's reliability. This serves as a warning for anyone considering their services and urges utmost caution.

  • Security measures: Whale implements segregated bank accounts, ensuring the separation of client funds from the company's operational funds. This security measure safeguards client assets, providing an extra layer of protection against misappropriation or misuse.

Ultimately, the choice to trade with Whale is a personal decision. It is important to thoroughly assess the risks and benefits before arriving at a conclusion.

Market Instruments

Whale Inc. provides a comprehensive array of market instruments tailored to meet the diverse needs of traders globally. With access to the foreign exchange (FOREX) market, professional traders can engage in currency trading across a wide range of currency pairs, including Major, Minor, and Exotics, offering unparalleled exposure to the world's most liquid market. The forex market operates 24 hours a day, five days a week, ensuring trading convenience for traders across different time zones.

In addition to forex, Whale Inc. offers trading opportunities in commodities and precious metals, providing stability and security in a primary economic sector. Traders can access soft commodities like agricultural products and hard commodities such as energy products and precious metals like gold and silver. These commodities serve as safe-haven assets, offering stability and retaining monetary worth over time, making them popular investment vehicles, especially during periods of heightened market volatility.


Furthermore, Whale Inc. facilitates trading in Contracts-for-Difference (CFDs), offering a new stream of investment in the capital markets. With crypto derivatives based on a broad range of cryptocurrencies, traders can capitalize on price fluctuations under any market condition. CFDs allow traders to go long or short, offering flexibility and mitigating investment risks compared to owning the actual products. Whether for hedging purposes or aggressive market strategies, derivatives provide traders with versatile investment tools to navigate the dynamic financial



Whale Inc. offers traders the opportunity to open a live account with a minimum deposit requirement of $100. This deposit threshold provides accessibility to real-time trading across various financial markets, allowing traders to actively participate in the market of their choice.

While the minimum deposit amount is disclosed, other crucial details such as account features and trading conditions such spreads/commissions are not available, warranting further clarification to ensure transparency and informed decision-making among traders.



Whale offers a leverage ratio of 1:50 for commodities and metals, traders can control a larger position size relative to their capital, magnifying both profits and losses.

Forex CFDs offer even greater leverage at 1:100, allowing traders to control positions of higher value with a smaller amount of capital.

Similarly, crypto CFDs provide a leverage ratio of 1:10, enabling traders to speculate on cryptocurrency price movements with increased exposure.

While leverage can significantly enhance trading potential, it also amplifies risk, emphasizing the importance of risk management strategies to safeguard against adverse market fluctuations.

Trading Platforms

Whale Inc. offers traders access to trading platforms including Crypto Countdown Trader and CryptoColt, each designed for different trading preferences and needs.

Crypto Countdown Trader boasts unparalleled swiftness and convenience, allowing traders to navigate the markets swiftly without the complexities of margin and leverage. With flexible timeframes, low capital starting requirements, and single-click trade execution, traders can seize opportunities on the go with ease.

Crypto Countdown Trader

On the other hand, CryptoColt simplifies crypto trading with auto-calculation functions, eliminating the need for manual parameter calculations. Traders can set risk exposure limits, hedge assets, and execute trades comfortably within a familiar and trusted environment. With features like automated lot size determination and predefined take-profit/stop-loss levels, CryptoColt offers traders a prime trading environment where they can focus on their strategies without computational hassles.


However, the download links for both platforms lead to error pages with nothing, indicating potential issues with accessing the platform. Traders should reach the broker directly to seek clarification and conformation on this.

Trading Tool

Whale Inc. provides traders with a powerful economic calendar, an indispensable tool for navigating the dynamic financial markets. This calendar offers real-time updates on key economic events, such as central bank announcements, economic indicators, and geopolitical developments, allowing traders to stay informed and make well-informed trading decisions.

economic calendar

Deposit & Withdrawal

Whale Inc. offers a diverse range of payment methods to facilitate deposits and withdrawals, including bank/wire transfer, Mastercard, Visa, UnionPay, Alipay, USDT Omni, USDT ERC-20, Neteller, Skrill, and PayPal.

Notably, Whale Inc. charges zero deposit fees, ensuring that clients can transact without additional charges.

Deposit & Withdrawal

User Exposure on WikiFX

On WikiFX, the occurrence of four substantial reports concerning withdrawal issues and malicious liquidation practices raises significant alarm and should serve as a red flag for traders. We strongly advise traders to conduct thorough investigations into all pertinent details before proceeding.

Our platform is meticulously crafted to serve as an indispensable asset in your trading endeavors. Should you encounter any unscrupulous brokers or have firsthand experience with such misconduct, we urge you to report it through our “Exposure” section. Your contributions are invaluable in our mission, and our expert team is dedicated to promptly addressing your concerns.

User Exposure on WikiFX

Customer Service

Whale Inc. offers multiple channels for customer support, users can reach out to the support team through a contact us form available on the company's website, submitting queries or requests. Additionally, Whale Inc. offers email support, allowing users to communicate directly with the customer service team via email. For urgent inquiries or immediate assistance, traders can contact Whale Inc. via phone, providing a direct ameans of communication for resolving issues or seeking guidance.


Tel: +164 6586 2199.

Contact form


Whale, a brokerage form that offers a range of market instruments including forex, commodities, metals, CFDs on crypto, and derivatives to its clients. However, the absence of regulation from recognized authorities raises concerns about investor protection. Regulation usually ensures financial oversight, safeguarding clients from malpractices. Furthermore, four reports regarding withdrawal issues and malicious liquidation further raise doubts on its liability.

Therefore, you should be careful about the broker, undertake full research, and explore regulated alternatives who prioritizing transparency, security, and client protection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: Is Whale regulated?
Answer 1: No. It has been verified that this broker is currently under no valid regulation.
Question 2: Does Whale offer demo account?
Answer 2: No.
Question 3: Is Whale a good broker for beginners?
Answer 3: No. It is not a good choice for beginners because it is unregulated by any recognized financial authorities. Additionally, 4 negative reports on WikiFX makes matters worse.
Question 4: Does Whale offer the industry leading MT4 & MT5?
Answer 4: No.
Question 5: Whats the minimum deposit does Whale request?
Answer 5: Whale requires a minimum deposit of $100.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies.


  • 5-10 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • High potential risk
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