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Trade Point

United States|2-5 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License|Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


Rating Index


+1 4792695966
B109 Adam Street, New York, NY 10009


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

Warning: Low score, please stay away!
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

Basic Information

Registered region
United States
Operating period
2-5 years
Company Name
Trade Point
Customer Service Email Address
Contact number
Company website
Company Summary

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Company Summary

Aspect Details
Name Trade Point
Registered in United States
Regulation Not Regulated
Investment Plans Platinum: $300 minimum, 10% daily return, low riskCilver: $500 minimum, 20% daily return, higher risk Gold: $1,000 minimum, 25% daily return, moderate risk Black Horse: $5,500 minimum, 83% daily return, high riskElephant: $10,500 minimum, 85% daily return, high risk Cobra: $50,000 minimum, 95% daily return, very high risk
Deposit & Withdrawal Options Traditional bank transfers and cryptocurrency (Bitcoin) options
Customer Support Email: Info@Tradepoint.Cf, Phone:+1 4792695966, FAQ section, contact form


Trade Point operates without traditional regulation and offers various investment plans with different risk levels and returns. Pros include potential high returns and payment flexibility, while cons include the lack of traditional regulation, limited transparency, and limited information on investment strategies and customer support.

Investment plans range from low to very high risk, with varying daily return rates. Deposits and withdrawals can be made through traditional bank transfers and Bitcoin.

The platform involves three steps: creating an account, selecting a plan, and earning profits. Customer support is available through email, phone, FAQ section, and a contact form. However, limited information on the website raises transparency concerns, so cautious research is advised before investing.



Trade Point operates without traditional regulation, providing flexibility but also risks. This lack of oversight fosters innovation but requires self-regulation to maintain fairness and trust among traders. Balancing autonomy and accountability in this unregulated environment is a key challenge.


Pros and Cons

Trade Point offers a range of investment plans with the potential for high returns, and it provides flexibility in payment gateways, including cryptocurrency transactions. Daily return rates and the option for capital return can be appealing. However, the platform operates without traditional regulation, leading to a lack of oversight and limited transparency. Additionally, there is a dearth of information about investment strategies and customer support, necessitating caution and thorough research when considering investment options on the platform. Users should carefully assess their risk tolerance and investment goals before participating.

Pros Cons
  • Diverse Investment Plans
  • Lack of Regulatory Oversight
  • Opportunity for High Returns
  • Limited Transparency and Information
  • Flexible Payment Gateways for Deposits/Withdrawals
  • Higher-Risk Investment Options
  • Daily Return Rates
  • Limited Details on Investment Strategies
  • Accessibility to Cryptocurrency Transactions
  • Limited Customer Support Information
  • Potential for Capital Return
  • Need for Caution and Due Diligence in Decision-Making

Investment Plans

The investment plan offered by this platform provides various options for potential investors, each tailored to different capital levels and risk appetites. The first plan, “Platinum,” is accessible with a minimum investment of $300 and a maximum of $699. With a daily return rate of 10% for four cycles, this plan allows investors to receive their initial capital back, making it a relatively low-risk option.

For those looking to invest more substantial amounts, the “Cilver” plan requires a minimum of $500 and allows for a maximum investment of $1,500. It offers a daily return rate of 20% for ten cycles, also ensuring the return of the principal capital. This plan presents a higher return potential, although it comes with a commensurately increased level of risk.

The “Gold” plan targets investors willing to commit a minimum of $1,000, with a maximum limit of $5,000. It promises a daily return rate of 25% for seven cycles and, like the previous plans, ensures capital return. This plan combines a competitive return rate with a moderate level of risk.

For those seeking potentially substantial returns, the “Black Horse” plan requires a minimum investment of $5,500, with a maximum of $10,000. It offers an impressive daily return rate of 83% for fourteen cycles and guarantees the return of the initial capital. However, this plan carries a significantly higher level of risk due to the large return rate.

The “Elephant” plan caters to investors ready to commit a minimum of $10,500 and a maximum of $15,500. It boasts a daily return rate of 85% for twenty-one cycles and, like other plans, ensures the return of the principal investment. This plan offers substantial returns but comes with a higher level of risk.

The most aggressive plan, “Cobra,” is accessible with a minimum investment of $50,000 and allows for a maximum of $200,000. It offers a daily return rate of 95% for thirty cycles and guarantees the return of the invested capital. This plan presents the highest potential for returns but also carries a significantly higher level of risk, making it suitable for experienced and risk-tolerant investors.

Investment Plans
Investment Plans

These investment plans with caution, thoroughly research the platform, and consider your risk tolerance before making any investment decisions. High-return plans like “Black Horse,” “Elephant,” and “Cobra” come with substantial risk and should be approached with caution and thorough due diligence.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Trade Point offers two primary payment gateways for its users to facilitate deposits and withdrawals. These gateways streamline the process of transferring funds within the platform, whether users prefer traditional bank account transactions or cryptocurrency-based transfers using Bitcoin wallets.

For those who opt for traditional banking methods, Trade Point's first payment gateway allows users to securely link their bank accounts to their platform accounts. This integration simplifies the deposit process, with users providing their bank account details, including account numbers and routing numbers, to initiate fund transfers. Withdrawals work in a similar manner, enabling users to transfer their earnings or investments from the platform back to their linked bank accounts seamlessly.

In addition to traditional banking options, Trade Point also provides a payment gateway designed specifically for cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Users interested in depositing or withdrawing funds using Bitcoin can take advantage of this gateway. To deposit funds, users simply provide their Bitcoin wallet address, and the payment gateway handles the secure transfer of Bitcoins to their platform account. Likewise, for withdrawals, users can request transfers to their Bitcoin wallet addresses, ensuring a smooth and secure cryptocurrency transaction process.

These payment gateways aim to provide users with flexibility and convenience when managing their finances on the Trade Point platform, catering to both traditional banking preferences and the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. However, as with any financial platform, users should exercise due diligence and ensure the security and legitimacy of these payment methods to safeguard their assets.

Deposit & Withdrawal

How It Works?

The process of how Trade Point works can be broken down into three main steps: creating an account, choosing an investment plan, and ultimately, earning a profit.

  1. Create Account:

The first step is to create a Trade Point Traders Account. To get started, users need to sign up on the platform. This typically involves providing personal information, such as their name, email address, and sometimes additional identity verification. Once the account is successfully created, users gain access to the platform's features and functionalities.

  1. Choose Plan:

After creating an account, users are presented with various investment plans to choose from. These plans are designed to align with different financial goals, including safety, income, or growth. Users must consider their investment objectives and risk tolerance before selecting a plan that suits their needs. Each plan comes with its own minimum and maximum investment amounts, as well as specific return rates and durations.

  1. Get Profit:

Once a user has chosen an investment plan and deposited the required funds, the platform begins the investment cycle. The key objective is to generate a profit over time. The platform's operations and strategies are designed to ensure that the generated profit covers the costs of doing business and provides a return to investors. This return is often paid out on a daily or periodic basis, depending on the plan selected.

It's important to note that the profitability of any investment plan can vary based on market conditions and the effectiveness of the platform's investment strategies. Additionally, Trade Point emphasizes the importance of balancing costs and profits to maintain competitive pricing for its services.

How It Works?

Investors should exercise caution and conduct thorough research before committing funds to any investment platform. Understanding the specifics of the chosen plan, considering risk factors, and monitoring the performance of the investment are essential steps to making informed financial decisions. Furthermore, as with any financial investment, there are inherent risks involved, and users should be aware of these risks before participating.

Customer Support

Trade Point provides several avenues for customer support and inquiries. Users can reach out to the platform through the following channels:

  1. Email Support:

Users can contact Trade Point via email at Info@Tradepoint.Cf. This provides a written communication channel for users to send in their questions, concerns, or inquiries. The support team typically responds to emails, addressing user issues and providing assistance as needed.

  1. Phone Support:

Trade Point offers phone support with a dedicated contact number: +1 4792695966. Users can call this number to speak directly with a customer support representative. This phone line allows for real-time communication, making it convenient for users to get immediate assistance or clarification on any matters related to the platform.

  1. FAQ Section:

The platform also provides a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section where users can find answers to common queries. This section may address various aspects of the platform, such as how it operates, investment plans, account management, and more. Users can refer to the FAQ section for quick information on their concerns.

  1. Contact Form:

Trade Point offers a contact form on its website. Users can fill out this form, providing their name, email address, subject, and a message detailing their inquiry or issue. This form serves as another way to reach out to the platform's support team.

Trade Point's customer support appears to offer multiple options for users to seek assistance and clarification. However, as with any online platform, it's essential for users to exercise caution and conduct due diligence when engaging with customer support or making financial decisions. Additionally, it's a good practice to verify the legitimacy and responsiveness of the provided support channels to ensure a secure and reliable customer experience.

Customer Support


The information available on Trade Point's website appears to be quite limited. While it provides some essential details, such as contact information, location, and basic descriptions of investment plans and services, there is a noticeable absence of comprehensive information about the platform's operations, investment strategies, team members, and regulatory compliance. Given the nature of financial investments, potential users should exercise caution and conduct thorough due diligence before engaging with this platform. The limited information available may raise concerns about transparency and credibility, highlighting the importance of acquiring more comprehensive and verifiable details about Trade Point's offerings and practices before considering any investments.


Trade Point operates as an investment platform that offers various investment plans with differing risk levels and returns. The plans range from the relatively low-risk “Platinum” plan to the higher-risk “Cobra” plan, each with its own minimum and maximum investment amounts and daily return rates. The platform facilitates deposits and withdrawals through both traditional banking methods and Bitcoin wallet transactions, providing flexibility for users.

Trade Point also outlines its customer support options, including email, phone, and a FAQ section, to assist users with their inquiries and concerns. However, the website's limited information raises transparency and credibility concerns, emphasizing the need for potential users to exercise caution and conduct due diligence before engaging with the platform.


Q1: What is the minimum investment for the “Platinum” plan?

A1: The minimum investment for the “Platinum” plan is $300.

Q2: Is there a signup bonus offered on Trade Point?

A2: There is no information provided about a signup bonus on the platform.

Q3: How many investment cycles are there in the “Black Horse” plan?

A3: The “Black Horse” plan offers a total of fourteen investment cycles.

Q4: Can I withdraw my earnings daily from Trade Point?

A4: Yes, Trade Point typically offers daily withdrawals depending on the investment plan chosen.

Q5: Is there a referral commission program for registered users?

A5: Information about the referral commission program is not provided on the website.


  • 2-5 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • High potential risk
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