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United Kingdom|5-10 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License| Suspicious Scope of Business| High potential risk


Rating Index


+44 (0)20 7623 3734
Level 35 110 Bishopsgate London EC2N 4AY


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

Warning: Low score, please stay away!
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

Basic Information

Registered Region
United Kingdom
Operating Period
5-10 years
Company Name
Amalgamated Metal Trading Ltd
Customer Service Email Address
Contact Number
Company Website
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Company Summary

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Company Summary

AMT Basic Information
Company Name AMT
Founded 2022
Headquarters United Kingdom
Regulations Unregulated
Products and Services Metal derivatives trading, LME/CME/INE access, OTC precious metals
Trading Tools DEA, arbitrage, AMT Hub Market Intelligence
Customer Support London: +44 (0)20 7623 3734, +44 (0)20 7626 4521; Shanghai: +86 21 5058 5660 / 5661; Singapore: +65 6978 1498
Education Resources Market trend articles, videos, expert analyses

Overview of AMT

Amalgamated Metal Trading (AMT), established in 2022 and headquartered in the United Kingdom, specializes in metal derivatives trading. The company's offerings include access to a range of metal contracts across various exchanges such as the London Metal Exchange (LME), the CME, and the Shanghai International Energy Exchange (INE), as well as over-the-counter (OTC) options for precious metals. AMT aims to support businesses, funds, and financial institutions in their trading activities, providing tools and insights for navigating the metals market.

The absence of regulatory oversight for AMT may prompt concerns regarding the safeguarding of client funds and overall transparency of operations. The firm endeavors to mitigate these concerns by offering trading solutions that include advanced market access tools and intelligence platforms, although the effectiveness of these measures in a non-regulated environment may vary. Despite its efforts to establish robust client relationships and provide a range of trading services, potential clients should carefully consider the implications of engaging with an unregulated entity in the financial market.

Is AMT Legit?

AMT is not regulated, which means it operates without oversight from recognized financial regulatory authorities. Traders should exercise caution and be aware of the associated risks when considering trading with an unregulated broker like AMT, as there may be limited avenues for dispute resolution, potential safety and security concerns regarding funds, and a lack of transparency in the broker's business practices. It is advisable for traders to thoroughly research and consider the regulatory status of a broker before engaging in trading activities to ensure a safer and more secure trading experience.

Is AMT Legit?

Pros and Cons

Amalgamated Metal Trading (AMT) offers a specialized focus on metal derivatives, providing access to a broad spectrum of metals across various exchanges with an array of advanced trading tools and a market intelligence platform to inform trading decisions. Their global presence, underscored by offices in key financial hubs, facilitates a comprehensive support system for clients worldwide. However, the lack of regulation presents potential risks regarding the safety of funds and transparency, which could concern prospective clients. Additionally, there is a scarcity of detailed information on dispute resolution processes, which might affect traders' recourse options in case of disputes.

Pros Cons
  • Access to a wide range of metal derivatives
  • Not regulated, raising concerns about fund safety and transparency
  • Advanced trading tools and market intelligence platform
  • Potential risks associated with lack of regulatory oversight
  • Global presence with offices in key financial hubs
  • Limited information on dispute resolution processes
  • Dedicated customer support across multiple regions

Products and Services

Amalgamated Metal Trading (AMT) stands out as a specialized broker and dealer in the realm of metal derivatives, catering to a wide range of clients including businesses, investment funds, and financial institutions across the globe. The core of AMT's service offering revolves around facilitating trading solutions for base, precious, and ferrous metals, with an emphasis on fostering long-term relationships with their clients and investing in their success.

At the heart of AMT's offerings is the provision of multi-metal derivative trading solutions that allow clients to either hedge against price movements or gain exposure to the prices of base, ferrous, and precious metals. This includes access to derivatives for base metals like aluminum ingots and ferrous metals including steel and scrap products on the London Metal Exchange (LME), as well as futures and arbitrage trading on the CME and copper trading on the Shanghai International Energy Exchange (INE). Moreover, AMT extends its expertise to the OTC precious metals market, offering hedging solutions for gold, silver, platinum, and palladium, alongside access to Comex precious metals markets.

AMT prides itself on delivering pioneering price hedging solutions, particularly in the LME ferrous metal space through cash-settled monthly futures. The firm's comprehensive approach to brokerage and market-making for all base metals traded on the LME showcases its capacity to support futures, options, and dated spreads trading. Through its dedicated offerings and a commitment to client success, AMT positions itself as a key player in the metal derivatives market, providing valuable insights, regulatory guidance, and tools tailored to the specific needs of its diverse client base.

Products and Services

How to Open an Account

To open an account with Amalgamated Metal Trading (AMT), you simply need to contact their team directly to discuss your trading needs. This approach allows AMT to offer personalized service from the outset, ensuring that the services provided align with your specific requirements. You can reach out through email, phone, or by visiting their offices, where AMT's team will guide you through the necessary steps, including filling out forms, submitting documents for verification, and understanding trading terms. This process is designed to be as straightforward as possible, emphasizing direct communication to facilitate a smooth start to your trading activities with AMT.

How to Open an Account?

Trading Tools

AMT equips its clients with advanced trading tools designed to enhance market access and optimize trading strategies in the metal derivatives sector. One of the key features offered by AMT is Direct Electronic Access (DEA), which facilitates seamless market entry for clients aiming to execute their trades directly and efficiently. This tool is particularly beneficial for traders seeking immediate access to metal markets without intermediary delays, thereby streamlining the trading process.

Additionally, AMT offers specialized arbitrage capabilities, enabling clients to manage and trade their metal interests across multiple markets simultaneously. This feature is crucial for clients looking to capitalize on price discrepancies between different markets, thereby maximizing their trading potential and profitability.

Beyond direct market access and arbitrage, AMT provides its clients with the AMT Hub Market Intelligence platform. This comprehensive platform delivers timely insights and valuable datasets, empowering clients with a deeper understanding of market behavior and trends across various metal derivatives. The availability of such rich, analytical resources ensures that AMT's clients are well-equipped to make informed decisions and adapt their strategies to the ever-evolving dynamics of the metals trading landscape.

Trading Tools

Customer Support

Amalgamated Metal Trading (AMT) prioritizes customer support by offering multiple points of contact across its global offices, ensuring that clients can easily get in touch with their team for assistance, inquiries, or to engage in trading activities.

AMT has its main office located in London at Level 35, 110 Bishopsgate, EC2N 4AY. You can contact them through their trading room at +44 (0)20 7623 3734 or reach the switchboard at +44 (0)20 7626 4521. In China, AMT operates from Floor 9, LJZ Century Financial Plaza, No. 799 South Yanggao Road, Pudong District, Shanghai, China 200127, and can be contacted at +86 21 5058 5660 / 5661. For customers in Singapore, their office is situated at Centennial Tower, 3 Temasek Avenue, Level 18, Singapore 039190, and you can reach them at +65 6978 1498. Additionally, they offer a contact form where you can provide your name, email, subject, and message, particularly if your inquiry pertains to “Base Metal Trading.”

Customer Support

Educational Resources

Amalgamated Metal Trading (AMT) offers an array of educational content focused on metal trading markets, specifically targeting the London Metal Exchange (LME) and other significant markets. This content, including articles and videos, is designed to provide traders and interested individuals with in-depth analyses of current market trends, speculative positions, and future outlooks for various metals like aluminium, copper, and more.

Authored by experts such as Dan Smith, these resources delve into the dynamics affecting metal prices, including supply and demand shifts, economic trends, and industry-specific developments. For example, analyses on how global economic conditions influence base metals or the impact of supply shocks on aluminium prices offer valuable insights for making informed trading decisions.

Educational Resources


Amalgamated Metal Trading (AMT) positions itself as a notable entity in the niche market of metal derivatives trading, catering to a diverse clientele with a comprehensive suite of services for base, precious, and ferrous metals across major global exchanges. With a strong emphasis on client relationships and market intelligence, AMT aims to empower traders with the tools and insights necessary for informed decision-making. However, the absence of regulatory oversight may raise concerns about fund security and operational transparency, factors critical to traders seeking reliable and accountable trading platforms. This juxtaposition of specialized services against regulatory uncertainty forms the crux of considerations for potential clients evaluating AMT's offerings.


Q: Is AMT regulated by any financial authorities?

A: No, AMT does not have regulatory oversight from recognized financial authoritiesQ:

Q: What types of metals can I trade with AMT?

A: AMT facilitates trading in a wide range of metal derivatives, including base, precious, and ferrous metals.

Q: Does AMT provide tools for market analysis?

A: Yes, AMT offers the AMT Hub Market Intelligence platform, among other tools, for comprehensive market analysis.

Q: What is AMT's approach to customer service?

A: AMT prioritizes accessible and comprehensive customer support with global offices and direct contact options.

Q: Is there any educational content available for traders at AMT?

A: AMT offers educational resources including articles and videos on market trends and analyses.


  • 5-10 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • High potential risk
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