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Marshall Islands
Entry Time 2019-11-27

Time Machine

2025 years 3 Month
Time2025 years 3 Month
Time2025 years 3 Month
Pyramid scheme complaint

Exposure on this fraud Ru Zhan

I have posted the information of the cheater.These are all the same person,please don’t be cheated!!! In this well-prepared fraud,with different identities,the cheater made others bite his bait,perfect as a TV series.(With watching investors who made losses,the so-called expert recommended stocks,futures and any other investment which can make you earn the funfd back quickly.These are all frauds.One can have several QQ with different identities:stock analyzer,future investment counselor,salesman,top trader,etc. )

2020-08-10 13:42

Exposure on this fraud Ru Zhan

I have posted the information of the cheater.These are all the same person,please don’t be cheated!!! In this well-prepared fraud,with different identities,the cheater made others bite his bait,perfect as a TV series.(With watching investors who made losses,the so-called expert recommended stocks,futures and any other investment which can make you earn the funfd back quickly.These are all frauds.One can have several QQ with different identities:stock analyzer,future investment counselor,salesman,top trader,etc. ) With slow torment,the cheater makes you suffer great losses until you have no penny.While you are even not aware of the fraud,blaming on yourself.With posting this as a footprint,hope you be wisely. Hope the fraud have a change of heart. I don’t know how many victims still being conned. Don’t build your interest at the expense of others’ life. I believe that you will pay for it!!!

2020-08-13 15:27

Exposure on fraud Ru Zhan

I have posted the information of the cheater.These are all the same person,please don’t be cheated!!! In this well-prepared fraud,with different identities,the cheater made others bite his bait,perfect as a TV series.(With watching investors who made losses,the so-called expert recommended stocks,futures and any other investment which can make you earn the fund back quickly.These are all frauds.One can have several QQ with different identities:stock analyzer,future investment counselor,salesman,top trader,etc. ) With slow torment,the cheater makes you suffer great losses until you have no penny.While you are even not aware of the fraud,blaming on yourself.

2020-07-31 09:16

Exposure on this fraud Ru Zhan

I have posted the information of the cheater.These are all the same person,please don’t be cheated!!! In this well-prepared fraud,with different identities,the cheater made others bite his bait,perfect as a TV series.(With watching investors who made losses,the so-called expert recommended stocks,futures and any other investment which can make you earn the funfd back quickly.These are all frauds.One can have several QQ with different identities:stock analyzer,future investment counselor,salesman,top trader,etc. ) With slow torment,the cheater makes you suffer great losses until you have no penny.While you are even not aware of the fraud,blaming on yourself.With posting this as a footprint,hope you be wisely. Hope the fraud have a change of heart. I don’t know how many victims still being conned. Don’t build your interest at the expense of others’ life. I believe that you will pay for it!!!

2020-08-05 09:13

Exposure on this fraud Ru Zhan

I have posted the information of the cheater.These are all the same person,please don’t be cheated!!! In this well-prepared fraud,with different identities,the cheater made others bite his bait,perfect as a TV series.(With watching investors who made losses,the so-called expert recommended stocks,futures and any other investment which can make you earn the fund back quickly.These are all frauds.One can have several QQ with different identities:stock analyzer,future investment counselor,salesman,top trader,etc. ) With slow torment,the cheater makes you suffer great losses until you have no penny.While you are even not aware of the fraud,blaming on yourself.With posting this as a footprint,hope you be wisely. Hope the fraud have a change of heart. I don’t know how many victims still being conned. Don’t build your interest at the expense of others’ life. I believe that you will pay for it!!!

2020-08-07 07:19

The fraud: Zhan Ru

I showed the information of the fraud in order that you can avoid being cheated by him.The process of the scam is so dramatic, he used many different identities to induce others to invest and made other people reach the point of no return. The so-called teacher in the stock group focuses on customers who made a loss and recommend shares, futures or other investments to you. That’s a scam. The teacher has many different QQ in the name of analysis teacher, investment consultant of future, businessman or top operator. Let you profit, then let you lose money again and again.Torment you by inch. And you will lose all the money in the end without noticing the scam.Please polish your eyes, don’ be cheated like me, my whole family has been ruined. I wish the fraud’s conscience smote him(It’s impossible). I don't know how many people have been cheated like me. Maybe they don't know there is such a scam. Don’t cheat others anymore. Your benefit is based on others’ agony, even lives. You will pay for it!!!

2020-09-01 08:14

Fraud Ru Zhan

I have posted the information of the cheater.These are all the same person,please don’t be cheated!!! In this well-prepared fraud,with different identities,the cheater made others bite his bait,perfect as a TV series.(With watching investors who made losses,the so-called expert recommended stocks,futures and any other investment which can make you earn the funfd back quickly.These are all frauds.One can have several QQ with different identities:stock analyzer,future investment counselor,salesman,top trader,etc. ) With slow torment,the cheater makes you suffer great losses until you have no penny.While you are even not aware of the fraud,blaming on yourself.With posting this as a footprint,hope you be wisely. Hope the fraud have a change of heart. I don’t know how many victims still being conned. Don’t build your interest at the expense of others’ life. I believe that you will pay for it!!!

2020-08-17 11:37


I showed the information of the fraud in order that you can avoid being cheated by him.The process of the scam is so dramatic, he used many different identities to induce others to invest and made other people reach the point of no return. The so-called teacher in the stock group focuses on customers who made a loss and he recommend shares, futures or other investments to you. That’s a scam. The teacher has many different QQ in the name of analysis teacher, investment consultant of future, businessman or top operator. Let you profit, later let you lose money. It’s a circle which torments you by inch. And you will lose all the money in the end without noticing that it’s a scam.Please polish your eyes, don’ be cheated like me, my whole family has been ruined. I wish the fraud’s conscience smote him(It’s impossible). I don't know how many people have been cheated like me. Maybe they don't know it is such a scam. Don’t cheat others anymore. Your benefit is based on others’ agony, even lives. You will pay for it!!!

2020-09-04 19:06


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