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BTX Group

Australia|2-5 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License| Suspicious Scope of Business| High potential risk


Rating Index

Am Europl. 5, 1120 Vienna, Austria Euro Plaza


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

Warning: Low score, please stay away!
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

Basic Information

Registered Region
Operating Period
2-5 years
Company Name
BTX Group
Customer Service Email Address
Company Website
Company address
Am Europl. 5, 1120 Vienna, Austria Euro Plaza
Account Information
Relevant Enterprises
Company Summary

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Company Summary

BTX Group Basic Information
Company Name BTX Group
Founded Not specified
Headquarters Austria
Regulations Unlicensed (risky to trade with)
Tradable Assets Forex, Commodities, Shares, Indices, Cryptocurrencies
Account Types Bronze, Gold, Platinum
Minimum Deposit $250
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:200
Spreads Starting from 0.7 pips
Commission Not specified
Deposit Methods Credit cards (Visa, MasterCard), wire transfers, OK Pay
Trading Platforms Web-based
Customer Support Not specified
Education Resources Not specified
Bonus Offerings Not specified

Overview of BTX Group

According to the provided information, BTX Group is a trading provider based in Austria that offers a variety of tradable assets, including Forex, Commodities, Shares, Indices, and Cryptocurrencies. They provide three types of trading accounts: Bronze, Gold, and Platinum, with a minimum deposit requirement of $250. The maximum leverage offered by BTX Group is up to 1:200, and they advertise competitive spreads starting from 0.7 pips. BTX Group operates with a web-based trading platform and accepts credit cards, wire transfers, and OK Pay for deposits.

However, it is important to note that BTX Group is considered a scam, and caution should be exercised when dealing with them. Trading with an unlicensed broker like BTX Group carries inherent risks and raises concerns regarding the safety and security of funds. Regulated and reputable brokers should be prioritized for a safer trading experience, as they adhere to industry standards and provide regulatory oversight. It is recommended to choose brokers that are licensed by recognized regulatory authorities and offer transparent and reliable trading conditions.

BTX Group offers a variety of trading instruments, including Forex, Commodities, Shares, Indices, and Cryptocurrencies. Clients can engage in currency pair trading, trade physical goods, invest in individual stocks, speculate on market performance, and take advantage of cryptocurrency price movements. However, it is crucial to consider the legitimacy and credibility of the broker before engaging in any trading activities to protect against potential scams and fraudulent practices.


Is BTX Group Legit?

BTX Group is an unlicensed broker, and it is risky trading with it. Caution is advised when considering trading with BTX Group, as this broker operates without a license. Trading with an unlicensed broker carries inherent risks and raises concerns regarding the safety and security of funds. Regulatory authorities play a crucial role in overseeing and regulating the operations of brokers, ensuring compliance with industry standards and protecting the interests of traders.

Choosing to trade with an unlicensed broker such as BTX Group means there is a lack of regulatory oversight and accountability. This absence of oversight can result in potential issues such as inadequate client fund protection, unfair trading practices, and limited avenues for dispute resolution. In the event of any disputes or financial issues, traders may face challenges in seeking recourse or recovering their funds.

Pros and Cons

BTX Group is an unlicensed trading provider based in Austria that offers a variety of tradable assets, including Forex, Commodities, Shares, Indices, and Cryptocurrencies. They provide leverage options of up to 1:200 and advertise competitive spreads starting from 0.7 pips. However, trading with an unlicensed broker like BTX Group carries inherent risks and raises concerns about the safety and security of funds. It is recommended to prioritize regulated and reputable brokers for a safer trading experience.

Pros Cons
Diverse tradable assets: BTX Group offers a wide range of tradable assets, including Forex, Commodities, Shares, Indices, and Cryptocurrencies, providing clients with various investment opportunities. Unlicensed: BTX Group operates without a license, which raises concerns about the legitimacy and regulatory oversight of the broker. Trading with an unlicensed broker carries inherent risks.
Multiple account types: BTX Group provides three types of trading accounts (Bronze, Gold, and Platinum), allowing traders to choose an account that suits their experience level and investment capabilities. Scam allegations: BTX Group has been reported as a scam, and caution should be exercised when dealing with them. There are concerns about potential fraudulent practices and the safety of funds.
Leverage options: BTX Group offers leverage of up to 1:200, enabling traders to control larger positions in the market with a smaller amount of capital. Limited information: The available information about BTX Group is limited, including details about customer support, educational resources, commission fees, and non-trading fees. This lack of transparency can be a drawback for potential traders.
Basic trading platform: BTX Group operates with a web-based trading platform, which may lack advanced features and tools compared to more robust platforms like MetaTrader.

Trading Instruments

BTX Group provides a variety of trading instruments for its clients, including Forex, Commodities, Shares, Indices, and Cryptocurrencies. Clients can engage in currency pair trading through the Forex market, trade physical goods such as gold and oil in the Commodities market, invest in individual stocks through Shares, speculate on the overall performance of a market through Indices, and take advantage of price movements in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. BTX Group aims to offer diverse options to cater to different investment preferences and trading strategies.

Here is a comparison table of trading instruments offered by different brokers:

Trading Instruments BTX Group Tickmill Exness AMarkets
Forex Yes Yes Yes Yes
Commodities Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cryptocurrencies Yes Yes No No
CFD Yes Yes Yes Yes
Indices Yes Yes Yes Yes
Stocks Yes Yes Yes Yes
ETF No No No No
Options No No No No

Account Types

BTX Group offers three types of trading accounts: Bronze, Gold, and Platinum. Each account has different minimum deposit requirements. The Bronze account requires a minimum deposit of $250, the Gold account requires $2,500, and the Platinum account requires $25,000. These account options cater to traders with varying levels of experience and investment capabilities. The Bronze account is suitable for beginners or those who prefer to start with a smaller investment. The Gold account offers additional features and benefits compared to the Bronze account, while the Platinum account provides the most comprehensive set of features and benefits for experienced traders or those with a larger capital base. Clients can choose the account type that best suits their trading goals and financial capabilities.



BTX Group provides leverage options for traders, with a maximum leverage of up to 1:200. Leverage allows traders to control larger positions in the market with a smaller amount of capital. For example, with a leverage of 1:200, traders can trade with $200 for every $1 of their own capital. This can amplify potential profits but also increases the risk as losses can be magnified. Traders should carefully consider their risk tolerance and trading strategies when utilizing leverage. The availability of leverage provides traders with the opportunity to potentially maximize their trading gains, but it's important to approach it with caution and ensure proper risk management measures are in place to protect against potential losses.

Here is a comparison table of maximum leverage offered by different brokers:

BTX Group FxPro RoboForex Pocket Option
Maximum Leverage 1:200 1:200 1:2000 1:500

Spreads and Commissions (Trading Fees)

BTX Group advertises competitive spreads starting from as low as 0.7 pips. Spreads refer to the difference between the bid and ask prices of a trading instrument. Lower spreads can be advantageous for traders as they can potentially minimize trading costs and enhance profitability. However, it's important to note that spreads can vary depending on market conditions, liquidity, and the specific trading instrument being traded.

While the promise of low spreads may seem enticing, it's essential for traders to exercise caution when dealing with brokers like BTX Group. Trustworthy and regulated brokers prioritize the security and quality of their services, offering transparent and reliable trading conditions. Unreliable brokers may lure traders with attractive spreads but compromise on other crucial aspects such as fund safety, customer support, and regulatory compliance.

Non-Trading Fees

Unfortunately, the available information regarding the non-trading fees of BTX Group is limited. Non-trading fees typically include charges or fees imposed by brokers that are not directly related to trading activities. These fees can vary among brokers and may include account maintenance fees, inactivity fees, deposit and withdrawal fees, and other miscellaneous charges.

Deposit & Withdraw Methods

BTX Group accepts credit card payments (Visa and MasterCard), wire transfers, and OK Pay (an e-wallet money transfer and payment service) for deposits. The minimum deposit required by BTX Group is $250, and there are no withdrawal fees.

However, it is important to note that BTX Group is considered a scam, and caution should be exercised when dealing with them. Legitimate brokers, on the other hand, offer a wider variety of payment options. This includes credit cards, wire transfers, bank transfers, and well-known e-wallet payment systems such as Skrill, PayPal, and Neteller. These options provide flexibility and convenience in managing your finances according to your personal preferences.

Trading Platforms

BTX Group provides a web-based trading platform for its clients. While this platform may be suitable for beginners, it may fall short in meeting the needs and expectations of more experienced traders. A web-based platform allows traders to access their trading accounts directly through a web browser without the need for downloading or installing any software.

However, relying solely on a web-based platform may limit the trading capabilities and tools available to traders. Advanced features, customization options, and access to a wider range of trading tools and indicators are often found in more robust trading platforms such as MetaTrader 4 or MetaTrader 5. These popular platforms offer extensive charting capabilities, automated trading options, and a wide range of technical analysis tools.


BTX Group, an unlicensed trading provider based in Austria, offers a variety of tradable assets and leverage options up to 1:200 with spreads starting from 0.7 pips. However, caution is advised when dealing with BTX Group due to its unlicensed status and scam allegations. Trading with unlicensed brokers carries inherent risks, including concerns about fund safety and regulatory oversight. Additionally, the lack of transparency regarding customer support, educational resources, and commission fees is a drawback. It is strongly recommended to prioritize regulated and reputable brokers for a safer trading experience that adheres to industry standards and offers transparent trading conditions.


Q: Is BTX Group a regulated broker?

A: No, BTX Group is an unlicensed broker and operates without regulatory oversight.

Q: What tradable assets are offered by BTX Group?

A: BTX Group offers a variety of tradable assets, including Forex, Commodities, Shares, Indices, and Cryptocurrencies.

Q: What are the account types available at BTX Group?

A: BTX Group provides three types of trading accounts: Bronze, Gold, and Platinum, catering to traders with different experience levels and investment capabilities.

Q: What is the minimum deposit requirement at BTX Group?

A: The minimum deposit requirement at BTX Group is $250.

Q: What is the maximum leverage offered by BTX Group?

A: BTX Group offers leverage of up to 1:200.


  • 2-5 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • High potential risk
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