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What is Free Margin?

What is Free Margin?

There are two types of margin: "used" and "free." In one of our last sessions, we looked at the Used Margin, which is the sum of all the Required Margin from all open positions. The gap between Equity and Used Margin is called Free Margin.

Kindergarten 2022-01-14
What is Equity?

What is Equity?

Account equity also called equity by some people represent the current worth of your trading account.

Kindergarten 2022-01-14
What is Used Margin?

What is Used Margin?

To understand what is used margin, it is also useful to understand what Required Margin is. Required Margin is the portion or part of margin needed to open your trade.

Kindergarten 2022-01-14
What is Margin Trading?

What is Margin Trading?

Margin trading in the forex market is the process of making a good faith deposit with a broker in order to open and maintain positions in one or more currencies. Margin is not a cost or a fee, but it is a portion of the customer's account balance that is set aside in order trade.

Kindergarten 2022-01-05
Why Trade Forex: Forex vs. Futures

Why Trade Forex: Forex vs. Futures

It's not simply the stock market that's causing problems. Similar to its benefits over stocks, the forex market has a number of advantages over the futures market.

Kindergarten 2022-01-05
Why Trade Forex: Forex vs. Stocks

Why Trade Forex: Forex vs. Stocks

There are dozens of currencies traded in forex, but most of the market participants focus on the seven primary pairs. Isn't it much easier to maintain track of seven major pairs than thousands of stocks?

Kindergarten 2022-01-05
Why Trade Forex: Advantages Of Forex Trading

Why Trade Forex: Advantages Of Forex Trading

There are many advantages and benefits to trading forex.

Kindergarten 2022-01-05
Know Your Forex History!

Know Your Forex History!

This stabilized the exchange rate for a while, but as the world's major economies began to change and grow at different rates, the rules of the system soon became outdated and limited.

Kindergarten 2022-01-05
Forex Market Players

Forex Market Players

It is important to understand the nature of the Forex spot market and to understand who the key players in the Forex market are.

Kindergarten 2022-01-05
Forex Market Structure

Forex Market Structure

Stock exchanges are forced by professionals to fulfill their clients' orders. Suppose the number of sellers suddenly exceeds the number of buyers. A specialist forced to fulfill a customer's order, in this case the seller, has a stack of inventory that cannot be sold to the buyer.

Kindergarten 2022-01-05
Best Days of the Week to Trade Forex

Best Days of the Week to Trade Forex

Now we’ve learned that the London session is the busiest session, but there are also certain days of the week when all markets tend to move more. Know when is the best days of the week to execute a trade.

Kindergarten 2022-01-05
Best Times of Day to Trade Forex

Best Times of Day to Trade Forex

When do you choose the best time to trade forex? It is logical to choose while the two sessions overlap. If you thought so, you would be half right. Let's discuss some characteristics to see why the two sessions overlap.

Kindergarten 2022-01-05
When Can You Trade Forex: New York Session

When Can You Trade Forex: New York Session

When European traders return from lunch break, the US session starts at 8:00 AM EST when traders start walking to their offices. As in Asia and Europe, there is one major financial center the market is paying attention to in the US session.

Kindergarten 2022-01-05
When Can You Trade Forex: London Session

When Can You Trade Forex: London Session

Their European colleagues are just starting their day, just as Asian market participants are closing stores. There are several financial centers throughout Europe, but market participants are focusing more on London.

Kindergarten 2022-01-05
When Can You Trade Forex: Tokyo Session

When Can You Trade Forex: Tokyo Session

For traders residing in Muritz ("USA"), trading days starts on Sunday evening at 5:00 pm ET (10:00 pm GMT). However, liquidity won't really come in until Tokyo reopens in a few hours. When the Tokyo session starts at 12:00 GMT, currency trading starts in Asia. The Tokyo Session is sometimes referred to as the Asian Session.

Kindergarten 2022-01-05
Forex Trading Sessions

Forex Trading Sessions

Now that you've learned what Forex is, why you should trade it, and who makes up the Forex market, it's time to figure out when a trading session is right for you to trade. It's time to see the differences between Forex trading sessions.

Kindergarten 2022-01-05
Can You Get Rich By Trading Forex?

Can You Get Rich By Trading Forex?

Forex Trading is NOT a Get-Rich-Quick Scheme. Forex trading is a skill that takes time to master.

Kindergarten 2022-01-05
Demo Trade Your Way to Success

Demo Trade Your Way to Success

You can open a demo account for free with most Forex brokers. These "fake" accounts have most of the functionality of "real" accounts. But why is it free? Brokers want you to know inside and outside of their trading platform and have a good time trading risk-free so that you can fall in love with them and deposit real money.

Kindergarten 2022-01-05
Types of Forex Orders “Would you like pips with that?”

Types of Forex Orders “Would you like pips with that?”

An order is an offer you send using a broker's trading platform to open or close a trade when you have followed the instructions you specify. Basically, the term "order" refers to how to start or end a trade.

Kindergarten 2022-01-05
Impress Your Date with Forex Lingo

Impress Your Date with Forex Lingo

You have to learn the lingo, just as you have to master any new skill ...... In other words, it's like trying to win the heart of your lover.

Kindergarten 2022-01-05

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