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Perdí 1840 USD en este sitio web. Posibilidad de estafa
1-2 años
Texto original
I lost 1840 USD from this website.Scam possibility
I am a member trading in Titan Capital Market. I had a total of 1840 USD in my account where it was 1700, 110, and 30 USD in trading wallet, trading reward wallet and reward wallet respectively. I requested for re entry principle where we could withdraw the profit and the capital amount goes back for trading. I only requested re entry principle and gave my binance wallet address but money including my capital was withdrawn from three different wallets to a single wallet address that I have no knowledge of. I tried contacting my higher ups for help and they confirmed that it was not from my side. I only am in possession of the transaction code and I did not share it with anyone. When I complained in the website's help and support, they keep telling me that the fund is already transferred and that it cannot be undone. How does that work when I only tried withdrawing my profit and not only did I not receive it, I lost my capital with it too. You have to understand that ALL THE FUNDS were transferred to ONE SINGLE WALLET ADDRESS. I addressed in the website's help and support that I will have to take legal actions but they aren't ready to retrieve my fund back to me.
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Recuperar Fondos Estafados: Mi Experiencia con CyberTekx Recovery
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