Sitio web
Protección de saldo negativo: --
Protección de los inversores: --
Miembros: 20
Establecido: Establecido en 1991
Instrumentos financieros regulados
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0800 313 626
Organismos de denuncia
FAIS (Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Ombud)
Sitio web
The Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) is the market conduct regulator of financial institutions, that provide financial products and financial services, financial institutions that are licensed in terms of a financial sector law, including banks, insurers, retirement funds and administrators, and market infrastructures. The FSCA is responsible for market conduct regulation and supervision. FSCA aims to enhance and support the efficiency and integrity of financial markets and to protect financial customers by promoting their fair treatment by financial institutions, as well as providing financial customers with financial education. The FSCA will further assist in maintaining financial stability.