Como plataforma independiente de servicios de información de terceros, WikiFX se compromete a brindar a los usuarios servicios integrales y objetivos de consulta de información regulatoria de distribuidores. WikiFX no participa directamente en ninguna actividad de comercio de divisas, ni proporciona ningún tipo de recomendación de canales de comercio o asesoramiento de inversión. La calificación de los comerciantes de WikiFX se basa en información objetiva de canales públicos y tiene plenamente en cuenta las diferencias en las políticas regulatorias en diferentes países y regiones. Las calificaciones de los comerciantes son el producto principal de WikiFX. Nos oponemos firmemente a cualquier práctica comercial que pueda dañar su objetividad e imparcialidad, y agradecemos la supervisión y sugerencias de los usuarios de todo el mundo. Línea directa de denuncia:
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I am iram from pakistan i already exposed my problem In February 2020, someone contacted me on WhatsApp, I am from the company vista and you can do cryptotrading here.we will share some hotels with you, then you have to give reviews and on top of each review you will get money, now you can earn money sitting at home.For this they sent me the name of a hotel which is there, I searched it on Google, added its reviews and added it to the details after the reviews and sent them back and They sent me some money After that he added me in his telegram group,after that he asked me to make some investment, so, I made an investment of 7,000. And after that he sent me 9000 commission, so after that he shared three plans with me, 18k 22kand 50k and 1lakh, , and I had an investment of 18 thousand. After taking the plan, they added me in a group where 2 members are already added , he said that you can withdraw your money when you take plan of two lakhs, after that, when you give two lac with comission After I invested 2 lakhs, they shared some steps to withdraw when i follow the steps They said that you have made a mistake in it. You can't get your money. If you want your own money, then you will have to give three lakhs more to recover your mistake.And all the rest of the payment and the commission of three lakhs will be sent along with it, so when I gave three lakhs, they again said that you did not make one mistake, you had two mistakes, so you should pay three lakhs more. After that they will give you the full payment which is 1 lakh with commission. When i gave 3 lakh more, they shared the number of Finance Master to withdraw but he refused and demand 6lac more when i gave 6lac more he again refuse to withdrw my money and after some month they deleted my account i invested 14 lac 25 thousand but found nothing please help me to recover my money for prove here are some attachments of screenshots
Mi navegador me advierte que VistaForex es una estafa. Creo que no es sin razón. Considerándolo todo, no invertiría aquí solo para estar seguro. Creo que lo más importante es la seguridad, si su dinero es engañado, ¿cuál es el sentido de otras condiciones comerciales, sin importar cuán competitivas puedan ser?
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