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No puedo retirar fondos de mi cuenta de miembro
Dentro de 1 año
Texto original
Unable to withdraw funds from my member account
I joined the MSquare group recently and I have deposited 4 times with only 100USD withdrawan so far. I withdraw 1000USD after my third deposit and I was notified by customer service that my withdrawal is being reviewed. Later I am asked to deposit 30% of the total funds to complete one time verification as my account is identified as robot account after which I will have normal access to withdrawals. I deposited and verified as advised. After few days I again initiated withdrawal of 2000USD and same thing happened. I was again asked to deposit the funds and complete verification to have normal withdrawals. The group said as per audit results my account is stolen and not operated properly. I requested the online CS team to send me the audit reports who has stolen my account but they didn’t sent me. I even sent mails to the management of the company to get the issues sort out but it never happened. I didn’t get the logic why I need to verify and deposit the funds again and again
El anterior
Estafa, Msquare se apropia del retiro del cliente
El siguiente
Han pasado 23 días desde la retirada y la plataforma aún no ha realizado el pago, proporcionando solo un "comprobante de pago" falsificado con Photoshop.
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