En tant que plateforme de services d'information tierce indépendante, WikiFX s'engage à fournir aux utilisateurs des services complets et objectifs de demande d'informations réglementaires sur les concessionnaires. WikiFX ne participe directement à aucune activité de négociation de devises et ne fournit aucune forme de recommandations de canaux de négociation ou de conseils en investissement. L'évaluation des traders par WikiFX est basée sur des informations objectives provenant de chaînes publiques et prend pleinement en compte les différences de politiques réglementaires dans les différents pays et régions. Les évaluations des traders sont le produit principal de WikiFX. Nous nous opposons fermement à toute pratique commerciale susceptible de nuire à son objectivité et à son impartialité, et acceptons la supervision et les suggestions des utilisateurs du monde entier. Ligne d'assistance téléphonique pour signaler : report@wikifx.com
concernant COINEXX refus malveillant de retraits
1-2 ans
Le Japon
Articles originaux
Regarding Coinexx Malicious Denial of Withdrawals
Malicious Withdrawal Denials by Coinexx This is a report of improper falsification of transaction records, improper swap collection, withdrawal denial, profit cancellation, etc. [Warning.] Users should withdraw funds and non-users should refrain from opening new accounts. Below is a description of each piece of evidence and contradictory answers from emails and support. The prerequisite is "there are no restrictions on trading strategies" as shown in the image. Is it true? Unjustified reduction of profits and inability to withdraw funds. As far as we can confirm, there were several victims, and the actual number of victims is believed to be even higher. As a response, we reported to MetaQuote about the fraudulent damage caused by the denial of withdrawal. In the past, when we reported other cases of fraudulent withdrawals (GemForex, FXfiar, etc.), MetaTrade's license was revoked, and we are concerned that Coinexx's license may be suspended and its business may be suspended as a result. If the insincerity continues in the future, we believe that the damage report should be spread and the appropriate punishment should be taken. [Wise people who saw this article If you are a user, we recommend that you withdraw your funds. After the license is suspended, new deposits will be cut off and further withdrawal refusals are expected. If you are a new user, we recommend you to use another firm. Spreads (EURUSD0.2~0.6) seem narrow, but slippage (EURUSD1.0~2.0) is terrible and actual trading costs are huge. If you are a victim, please report to Meta Quotes.
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Refus de retirer le capital et les bénéfices, falsification des relevés de transactions, demandes de swap déraisonnables.
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