En tant que plateforme de services d'information tierce indépendante, WikiFX s'engage à fournir aux utilisateurs des services complets et objectifs de demande d'informations réglementaires sur les concessionnaires. WikiFX ne participe directement à aucune activité de négociation de devises et ne fournit aucune forme de recommandations de canaux de négociation ou de conseils en investissement. L'évaluation des traders par WikiFX est basée sur des informations objectives provenant de chaînes publiques et prend pleinement en compte les différences de politiques réglementaires dans les différents pays et régions. Les évaluations des traders sont le produit principal de WikiFX. Nous nous opposons fermement à toute pratique commerciale susceptible de nuire à son objectivité et à son impartialité, et acceptons la supervision et les suggestions des utilisateurs du monde entier. Ligne d'assistance téléphonique pour signaler : report@wikifx.com
j'ai investi 7 500 USD dans Warren Bowie and Smith
1-2 ans
Emirats Arabes Unis
Articles originaux
I invested 7500 USD in warren Bowie and smith
Respected sir, I am Jeevan Roy Chalippattu Roy from India am working in Abudhabi. I opened a trading account in WARREN BOWIE & SMITH application and they call me and compelled me to deposit money for trading and I deposited 7500 USD and started trading also then 1st trading was over and they asked me to request for withdrawal amount of 200 USD and I applied withdrawal they approved and I received the money back to my account. After that I made another trading and one that trading was over I applied for another withdrawal of 500 USD but they declined after that I traded again then that also was got profit and I made withdrawal requests they canceled my withdrawal requests. They maid trade from my account without my permission and they asked me to deposit more money again and again. One staff MR.Ishwar is calling me continuously for depositing money for trading. They scammed my all money and they are not giving me anything back. I used my credit card for depositing money while depositing money Mr. Ishwar said that he will pay back all money before 20th December 2023. Please help me to get back my money back. Kindly help me with this issue please and take action against this scam broker. Regards Jeevan Roy
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