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Simple ARNAQUE se transformant en conduite CRIMINELLE
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République tchèque
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Simple SCAM turning into CRIMINAL conduct
Let me tell a complete story about the criminal practices of the X Charter Broker. Since X Charter Broker contacted me, I had to go through five weeks of this ordeal. They lured me in, promising a great future, and gave me VIP status that included matching my deposits and low fees. They let me withdraw some money to ensure that everything works as it should. After five days of light trading, my account disappeared from their site including the MT5 Platform. My initial deposit was $18,800 with open trades that could be profitable in the two days. Not knowing what to do, I turned to the help of case. Oh boy, was I wrong? After my exposure, agents who introduced themselves unacceptable offers to reinstate my account with only $15,000. They want me to move my complaint to a different Broker which happened to have the same name but have nothing in common with the original broker. They promised me to return the money if I did what they suggested me to do. Also, all communication on Telegram was deleted when I refused to accept. Time went by and they let me open a new account (924376) with the original balance of $18,800 with the condition to keep it for at least 15 days and make trade once a day. After that period, I have been promised, to be able to withdraw money. At this time no favors, no matching deposits, and no defined slippage. On June 10th, I received a message that X Charter was working on an upgrade of services, and all accounts needed to be reinstated. I contacted X Charter’s Support. Designated agent Le Phuc Hoang sent me a link to the Chrome Extension application to make my account work. This link to the application could not be for an unknown reason reinstated so he had to install it by himself by using an Ultra View application. He not only installed that application but also compromised my private access to my account and resolved the case for acc.923570 without my permission. I let him know that I knew what he did but he didn't express any reaction. My account 924376 was working again so I didn’t ask more questions, just waiting for the last day of the agreement to be able to withdraw my money to the bank. Two days later June 12th, my account was terminated again including the communication. The day after breaking into my account, I received notice from my newly established trading account support about several attempts to break in. Such a coincidence? Do not ever talk to them open an account and deposit money. These criminals need to be stopped.
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xcharter est une plateforme d'escroquerie et de fraude, veuillez ne pas l'utiliser.
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