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⚠️ ATTENTION !! ⚠️ AZAForex est manipulateur et une ARNAQUE
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⚠️ BE WARNED!! ⚠️ AZAForex is manipulative & SCAM
I just took random short-term 30 sec trades I know I lose, but it helps for evidence purposes. Repeatedly I said 5 minutes, till 30 seconds trades are all manipulated and without a miracle impossible to win. With such big price manipulation and Scams. Look at this live example I took: how AZAForex manipulated and stole all my money. Option: EUR/USD *Initial trade Open price: 1.08295 *Manipulated Open Trade close price 1.08307 *📈 Correct Chart close price 1.08286 👉PLEASE Pay Attention now: If Close price differences b/n the manipulated open option trade 1.08307 minus the correct chart close price 1.08286 gives us a 21 price difference. If AZAForex was a reliable platform and not manipulated, the close price on the correct chart reading 1.08286 must be the same as the open option trade close price. This means the Manipulated 1.08307 price must also close at chart reading price point 1.08286. 👉PLEASE pay attention again here: If the price was not manipulated and the open option trade close price was the same as the correct chart close price that is 1.08286 AND THEN See above my initial strike point price of 1.08295 and the trade TYPE was Sell/Put the trade would have been WIN!! Due to this trade manipulation, I lost. *Trade type: 30 second Trade close time: 15,32.07 Yes, this is how this thieving illegal AZAForex organization steals people's money. I have been able to prove his illegality and theft time and time again. This was the exact information the screen showed before the trade ended: #ID: 2161813 (A) Open Price: 1.08336 #ID: 2161811 (B) Open Price: 1.08330 As soon as the trade ended, however, the numbers were changed and counted. The Open Price (A) number rose to 1.08349 and The Open Price (B) number moved higher to 1.08343. Take a good look at the screen evidence. This is how they blatantly cheat. ONLY after-hours trades where the fraudulent staff are not live will likely yield results. There is blatant fraud everywhere the survivors work.
Entreprise fiable! J'ai eu une très bonne impression de l'entreprise. Un large choix d'instruments de trading et une grande vitesse d'exécution des ordres - c'est ce que j'aime chez AzaForex. De plus, de bonnes analyses sur le site Web.
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