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admiraltrades sont des escrocs.
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admiraltrades are scammer.
My self Noor Hasan Lodi watsapp no 9007046722 From , joined admtrades.com for trading under professional gold account of $20200 USDT on 13/11/2024 and complete my deposit via Binanance app within time after having lot of loan from bank , solded all golds, and under trading my account 100659and got major profits of $732836 and I apply withdrawal of $732836 on 23/12/2023 but I couldn't get withdrawal till now as information given to me that I have to again invevest $19000. Which was impossible for me. As my account manager He and Finance Director Mr Benjamin pressurize me to deposit another $19000 more to get withdrawal otherwise account will go in auction, I tried very hard to arrange but could not arrange money because i already in soo many loans from bajaj loan Gold loan and and asked from friend approx like 26 Lakhs of my all my hard work money scammed by admiraltrades their misguided people to by showing good trade to scam our money. I am continuously requesting them pls give my withdrawal but they are not responding as they are scammer , so I lost my deposited money my hard work money and lost earned profits , so admtrades.com is totally scamer company who initially talk with very sweet and good relation words and show godd advantage protective deal and at the time withdrawal they ask more money , it is totally trapped to scam money from us , so you all are requested to pls be away from Admiraltrades.com. website and caught scammers
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