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Les profits et les pertes ne sont pas précis
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Profit and losses aren't accurate
the context are as following - i put 2 sell limits on the currency audjpy - both of them have the same entry and sl. the difference between them are the take profit area and lot size. - the 0.02 lot size tp are 1:1 risk reward (21.7pips tp with 21.7pips sl.). 0.01 loy size tp are 1:3. (64.1pips tp with 21.7pips sl) - the 0.02 lot size positions, hit its tp. however the 0.01 lot size position sl. - 0.01 lot closed with -1.42 loss. while the 0.02 lot closed with 1.56 profit. now, is it mathematically possible that 0.01 lot size risk are the same as 0.02 lot size risk? the answer, ITS FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE. the parameter for the trade - 200usd equity - 2% risk ($4/trades divided by 2 position) - risk pips 21.7 pips - usdjpy prices (157.297) i used babypips calculator for taking my trades since it is accurate to a degree with a little deviations (0.000x deviation since babypips only go 0.000x decimal). using the parameter that i inputted, i have the final total lot size of 0.0286, rounded up into 0.03 total lots, with each 0.01 lots risking 1.3986 USD, rounding up into 1.40USD. now, the 0.02 lots risk should be 2.8USD. the reward SHOULD BE 2.8USD. however, by some VOODOO MAGIC TYPE OF SHIT i got a mere 1.56 USD in profit. i discussed this 'simple error' to their support. guess what, THEY AREN'T ANSWERING THE PHONE. i dialed, dialed, dialed and dialed. but alast nothing. maybe the emails work. NO. THEY DONT. The email somehow BOUNCED. (idk if its possible but it is apparently) so. what i get is, this is a shitty broker, with a shitty support system, that pints don't THEIR mistake into MY MISTAKE. i am speechless. pardon my french in this reporting sections, since if they did this with a small accounts, then they WILL DO IT IN A HUGE ACCOUNT. Their agreement means NOTHING FOR YOU. Jika kamu org indo, pliss jgn pakek ini, mending MIFX, ASIAPRO atau dupoin. setidaknya mrka fair dan GAMPANG DI HUBUNGI.
Rapport Twcx
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