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Wheoo précédemment appelé Wealth Engine
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Wheoo Previously referred to as Wealth Engine
Hello, Globftx has changed its name to Wealth Engine and also launched Wheoo, both of which are platforms based on fraud and scams. Wealthengine, despite using a Ponzi scheme, is still operating, while Wheoo is also produced by the same scammers who have not yet been apprehended by legal authorities. Wheoo they convince their clients that they have made profits from the deals and signals provided, but these are merely fictitious figures within the app. When the client attempts to withdraw the generated profits and capital, they find themselves unable to access their funds as their account is zeroed out and all data is altered. It pains me to see that they continue to deceive individuals and are still active on Telegram, which is why I feel compelled to share this warning to prevent others from falling victim like my friends and I did. Scam#ponzi#unable to withdraw# wheoo.com wheoo.net App wheoo
Une fraude a été commise avec succès et la plateforme a à nouveau vidé le compte sans raison.
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