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Des Trades Rentables, Un Excellent Support : Mon Expérience Contrariante avec Crownstonefx.com
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Profitable Trades, Excellent Support: My Contrarian Experience with Crownstonefx.com
I have been trading with different brokers like Noor Capital, Saxo Bank, Century Finance and IBKR from the last 7 years and started with Crownstonefx.com in the first week of January with $2500 as the sales Executive Shanaya and portfolio manager Jay Khetan was pretty good with their job and didn't let any news be missed by me. I was not interested in the beginning to add another platform to my list but it was worth to give them a try which was the best part. Once, the account got activated I was assigned an RM Mr. Ali, who is an experienced guy and gave me trades on a daily basis. In the last 6 months my current portfolio is at $10,020 and I have taken a withdrawal of $10,000 twice so far. The reviews which I saw on this website doesn't seem to be true as all the platforms where I have an account has worst reviews on this website. This is the only reason I had to post this review for viewers to avoid seeking for advice from this website. I would definitely recommend Crownstonefx.com. If you are an Indian, you know about Zerodha and Angel one, kindly search the platform on this website, you will get to know exactly what I am talking about.
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Perte de 10 000 $ de manière spectaculaire.
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