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Psychologie du trading : la clé négligée du succès
D'ici un an
Articles originaux
Trading Psychology: The Overlooked Key to Success
Like the section of trading psychology, not many companies emphasize psychology as an importan topic in trading. In the beginning of my trading education, I also was 100% only about the analysis and skills, like technical or fundamental analysis, the usage of indicators and creating a strategy. Don't get me wrong, these are important, but psychology is the core of trading. I had a good strategy that was bringing profits when I followed it, but after some losses, I begun violating and revenge traded, those tho experienced it will understand me for sure :D Then after fixing the issue with my trading psychology, everything became fine. In their section of psychology, these guys give out some really good information about controlling your emotions, and for this they have my thanks!
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Expansion des classes d'actifs : Ajout de cryptos, ETF et obligations pour une diversification des transactions
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Services de trading premium chez FxPro : exécution de haute qualité, commissions visibles
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