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Prop Firm
Smart Prop Trader to Close Doors in December 2024

Smart Prop Trader to Close Doors in December 2024

Smart Prop Trader, a proprietary trading firm known for offering funded trading accounts, has announced plans to cease onboarding new traders as it prepares to wind down operations by the end of the year.

2024-11-29 16:20
FunderPro Integrates cTrader for Enhanced Prop Trading Options

FunderPro Integrates cTrader for Enhanced Prop Trading Options

FunderPro now offers the cTrader platform, a favored choice among prop firms, to expand trading options for users with seamless integrations and a robust liquidity network.

2024-11-06 12:19
Wall Street Trader Launches Own Prop Trading Program with 80% Profit Sharing

Wall Street Trader Launches Own Prop Trading Program with 80% Profit Sharing

Gerchik & Co, an international brokerage firm led by experienced Wall Street trader Alexander Gerchik, has unveiled a new proprietary trading program that offers traders the opportunity to manage up to $100,000 in company funds.

2024-09-13 17:19
Prop Firm Traddoo Temporarily Suspends New Client Challenges Amid Platform Upgrades

Prop Firm Traddoo Temporarily Suspends New Client Challenges Amid Platform Upgrades

Traddoo, a retail proprietary trading firm, has announced a temporary suspension of challenge sales to new clients.

2024-09-12 17:07
FTMO Partners with AlgoBuilderX for cTrader Algorithm Tools

FTMO Partners with AlgoBuilderX for cTrader Algorithm Tools

FTMO partners with AlgoBuilderX to provide advanced algorithmic trading tools for cTrader. FTMO clients can now access a 25% discount on AlgoBuilderX services.

2024-09-06 11:59
The Funded Trader Launches DXtrade and Match-Trader Platforms Globally

The Funded Trader Launches DXtrade and Match-Trader Platforms Globally

The Funded Trader launches DXtrade and Match-Trader globally, offering traders advanced tools, cross-platform access, and September promotions for maximized returns.

2024-09-04 11:27
AXE Securities Acquires Forex Funder, Expands into Prop Trading

AXE Securities Acquires Forex Funder, Expands into Prop Trading

AXE Securities, a Bahamian CFDs broker, expands into prop trading with the strategic acquisition of The Forex Funder, enhancing its service offerings.

2024-08-28 14:21
Karma Prop Traders Shuts Down, But Client Rescue in Sight

Karma Prop Traders Shuts Down, But Client Rescue in Sight

Last week, Karma Prop Traders, a newly established proprietary trading firm, unexpectedly announced its closure, sending shockwaves through the trading community. However, in a surprising twist, just days after this announcement, Balapatabendi disclosed that Karma is now engaged in advanced discussions with a leading prop firm that may acquire Karma's client accounts.

2024-08-21 17:52
What Causes Sudden Shutdowns of Prop Trading Firms?

What Causes Sudden Shutdowns of Prop Trading Firms?

Discover the factors behind sudden prop trading firm shutdowns, from risk management failures to regulatory challenges, liquidity issues, and market conditions.

2024-08-19 14:28
Why Prop Firms and Online Brokers Face Sudden Shutdowns

Why Prop Firms and Online Brokers Face Sudden Shutdowns

This article explores the key reasons behind the vulnerability of prop firms and online brokers to closures, shedding light on the complexities of the industry.

2024-08-16 23:30
Another Prop Firm Down: Funds for Traders Ends Operations

Another Prop Firm Down: Funds for Traders Ends Operations

The cessation of operations by Funds For Traders and other proprietary trading firms highlights the challenges posed by technological dependencies, inadequate risk management, and market volatility in the prop trading industry.

2024-08-16 15:41
The Swift Fall of Karma Prop Traders

The Swift Fall of Karma Prop Traders

The rapid demise of Karma, a prop trading firm that collapsed just weeks after significant updates, underscores the challenges and fundamental flaws within the proprietary trading industry, highlighting a broader trend of closures and sustainability issues.

2024-08-15 17:54
Former XM Executive Desimir Paskalev Ventures into Prop Trading with FundedBull

Former XM Executive Desimir Paskalev Ventures into Prop Trading with FundedBull

Desimir Paskalev, a well-known figure in the trading industry and a long-time Partner Relations Manager at retail broker XM, has embarked on a new venture under the name FundedBull. After more than a decade with XM, primarily in Europe, Paskalev has shifted his focus to prop trading.

2024-08-09 14:53
GoatFunded Trader Faces Backlash Over Payout Denial and Policy Violation

GoatFunded Trader Faces Backlash Over Payout Denial and Policy Violation

GoatFunded Trader, an online prop trading firm, has recently come under fire following allegations of unethical practices and rule violations. A trader took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to share their friend’s harrowing experience, shedding light on what they describe as a blatant denial of a rightful payout and unjust account termination.

2024-08-02 18:00
Prop Firm OANDA Enters South Africa

Prop Firm OANDA Enters South Africa

The Prop Trading Firm OANDA launches its Prop Trader program in South Africa, allowing self-directed traders to become signal providers on a profit-sharing basis.

2024-07-29 12:55
Prop Firm The Funded Trader Launches New Futures Company

Prop Firm The Funded Trader Launches New Futures Company

Prop trading firm The Funded Trader announces a new futures trading entity, The Futures Traders, amid mixed reactions following recent operational challenges.

2024-07-29 10:27
Blueberry Markets Launches Prop Trading Services with Blueberry Funded

Blueberry Markets Launches Prop Trading Services with Blueberry Funded

Blueberry Markets, a forex and contracts for differences (CFDs) broker, has announced the launch of its own prop trading services under the new brand, Blueberry Funded.

2024-07-26 17:09
FXTrading.com Partners with Prop Firm Capital

FXTrading.com Partners with Prop Firm Capital

FXTrading.com and Prop Firm Capital join forces, promising enhanced trading opportunities and robust support for traders worldwide.

2024-07-12 14:16
Could This be the Turning Point for My Forex Funds?!

Could This be the Turning Point for My Forex Funds?!

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is currently embroiled in a controversy surrounding allegations of misconduct by its staff in an ongoing enforcement case against Traders Global Group Inc., the operator of My Forex Funds (MFF), a proprietary trading firm.

2024-07-05 15:58
ThinkMarkets Launches New Proprietary Trading Brand

ThinkMarkets Launches New Proprietary Trading Brand

ThinkMarkets launches ThinkCapital, a new proprietary trading brand, expanding into prop trading with services initially on MetaTrader 5 and plans to integrate ThinkTrader and TradingView.

2024-07-03 18:20
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