WikiFX, sebagai platform layanan informasi pihak ketiga yang independen, berdedikasi untuk menyediakan layanan informasi peraturan broker yang komprehensif dan obyektif kepada pengguna. WikiFX tidak secara langsung terlibat dalam aktivitas perdagangan valas apa pun, juga tidak menawarkan rekomendasi saluran perdagangan atau saran investasi dalam bentuk apa pun. Pemeringkatan dan evaluasi broker oleh WikiFX didasarkan pada informasi obyektif yang tersedia untuk umum dan mempertimbangkan perbedaan kebijakan peraturan di berbagai negara dan wilayah. Pemeringkatan dan evaluasi broker adalah produk inti WikiFX, dan kami dengan tegas menentang praktik komersial apa pun yang dapat mengkompromikan objektivitas dan keadilannya. Kami menyambut pengawasan dan saran dari pengguna di seluruh dunia. Untuk melaporkan kekhawatiran apa pun, harap hubungi kami:
Peringatan ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
1-2 tahun
Uni Emirat Arab
Warning ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
Capitalix is not professional trading platform, I have been with them from 2022/05, and never get any profit 📈 They convince me to invest 200USD only in the beginning and they show me that how to trade and says its very simple!!!! And they explain that we will support you and i will have account manger he will help you but its the traps! they are very smarts thief's!!! And they keep asking me to make deposit and they promised that you will make very good profit in very short time!!!!! After i make money deposit with 5,000 USD here is the game start for them, they let me open a deal and they know very well this deal will be going in the opposite direction and then they keep calling me to make more money deposit for support of my deal and in the end the deal will be closed in lost!!! Here is the 2nd part of the game they will keep calling me and says we sorry for your lost but we will compensate you don't worry, but you have to make deposit with 5,000 USD and we will give you 5,000 USD as bonus, And i have do that to be honest!!! Because i couldn't accept my loss:( And then i feel am stuck with them i can't leave and let my lose just go away just like this, And the game its reapply again and again until i have lost all my money its about 25,000 USD. Please don't trust this company at all!!!! They have fully control of my account they can do anything they want with my account i recently discovered that, And when i was trying to withdraw money from my account they not let me They convince me to open more deals. Please don't trust this company!!!!!!
Capitalixadalah penipuan
Capitalix tidak diragukan lagi adalah tempatnya jika Anda ingin meningkatkan keterampilan perdagangan dan investasi Anda. Saya datang ke dunia forex dengan sedikit pengalaman dan para tutor, dengan pengetahuan dan bimbingan mereka, mengarahkan saya ke jalur yang baik dalam trading forex.
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