WikiFX, sebagai platform layanan informasi pihak ketiga yang independen, berdedikasi untuk menyediakan layanan informasi peraturan broker yang komprehensif dan obyektif kepada pengguna. WikiFX tidak secara langsung terlibat dalam aktivitas perdagangan valas apa pun, juga tidak menawarkan rekomendasi saluran perdagangan atau saran investasi dalam bentuk apa pun. Pemeringkatan dan evaluasi broker oleh WikiFX didasarkan pada informasi obyektif yang tersedia untuk umum dan mempertimbangkan perbedaan kebijakan peraturan di berbagai negara dan wilayah. Pemeringkatan dan evaluasi broker adalah produk inti WikiFX, dan kami dengan tegas menentang praktik komersial apa pun yang dapat mengkompromikan objektivitas dan keadilannya. Kami menyambut pengawasan dan saran dari pengguna di seluruh dunia. Untuk melaporkan kekhawatiran apa pun, harap hubungi kami:
Ultima Market menolak untuk mengembalikan modal/keuntungan
1-2 tahun
Ultima Market refused to give my capital & profit
Hi my name is Farooq ali abbasi. My registered email at ultima market is My ultima mt4 id is 823690. This broker scammed me 1902$. I did Normal trade in US Share hood. i deposit 500$ and did profit of 1402$. First i placed withdraw of 1502$, this broker rejected my withdraw then i placed withdraw of 1600$ then again this broker rejected my withdraw. At the end they removed my capital with profit from my portal and refused to give me single penny. A regulated broker never do this to their clients. How a regulated can remove funds from mt4 and client portal without permission of his client ? Before this trade, I did Normal trade in another US share PayPal and my account washed out and did loss of 934$ as market was not in my favor. Then ultima broker removed my nagitive balance and let me trade again. So as i did profit they eat my all profit with deposit amount. I am attaching all my proof here please declare this broker as scam. Many traders are raising voices against this broker at trust pilot. I am also in contact with other effected traders of ultima market and we will declare this broker as scam broker from their regulations. I am requesting you kindly help me to recover my hard earn money from this broker. Also declare this broker as scam broker so that many other traders stay away from getting scammed. Thanks
Masalah Ambang Keuntungan: Perdagangan Lancar, Penarikan yang Sulit di Ultima Markets
Ultima Broker: Dipercaya untuk Investasi Aman & Pendidikan Perdagangan yang Mencerahkan
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