WikiFX, sebagai platform layanan informasi pihak ketiga yang independen, berdedikasi untuk menyediakan layanan informasi peraturan broker yang komprehensif dan obyektif kepada pengguna. WikiFX tidak secara langsung terlibat dalam aktivitas perdagangan valas apa pun, juga tidak menawarkan rekomendasi saluran perdagangan atau saran investasi dalam bentuk apa pun. Pemeringkatan dan evaluasi broker oleh WikiFX didasarkan pada informasi obyektif yang tersedia untuk umum dan mempertimbangkan perbedaan kebijakan peraturan di berbagai negara dan wilayah. Pemeringkatan dan evaluasi broker adalah produk inti WikiFX, dan kami dengan tegas menentang praktik komersial apa pun yang dapat mengkompromikan objektivitas dan keadilannya. Kami menyambut pengawasan dan saran dari pengguna di seluruh dunia. Untuk melaporkan kekhawatiran apa pun, harap hubungi kami:
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I have been waiting more than 2 weeks for withdraw
I had written to you before, but you canceled the transaction due to insufficient evidence. Now I will post screenshots of daily statements. There were a few details I missed. Let me tell you about them too. There was $2101 in account number 2157733. There was also 2008 dollars in account number 2163981. On February 14, I made a withdrawal request of $1000 from both accounts and the money went through the portal. Unfortunately, I cannot send you a screenshot of my withdrawal request because I cannot log in to my account and they did not send an e-mail regarding the withdrawal. On February 16, I transferred the remaining money in my two meta accounts to account number 2166875. There was a total of $2109 in account number 2166875 and I made a withdrawal request for $2109 on the same day. They did not send an e-mail confirming that I deposited money, but you can verify it with daily statements. I will also send you a screenshot of the e-mail they sent me on February 19th. It was written in the e-mail that the research would be completed in 2 weeks, but 2 weeks have already passed.
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