WikiFX, sebagai platform layanan informasi pihak ketiga yang independen, berdedikasi untuk menyediakan layanan informasi peraturan broker yang komprehensif dan obyektif kepada pengguna. WikiFX tidak secara langsung terlibat dalam aktivitas perdagangan valas apa pun, juga tidak menawarkan rekomendasi saluran perdagangan atau saran investasi dalam bentuk apa pun. Pemeringkatan dan evaluasi broker oleh WikiFX didasarkan pada informasi obyektif yang tersedia untuk umum dan mempertimbangkan perbedaan kebijakan peraturan di berbagai negara dan wilayah. Pemeringkatan dan evaluasi broker adalah produk inti WikiFX, dan kami dengan tegas menentang praktik komersial apa pun yang dapat mengkompromikan objektivitas dan keadilannya. Kami menyambut pengawasan dan saran dari pengguna di seluruh dunia. Untuk melaporkan kekhawatiran apa pun, harap hubungi kami:
Masalah Penarikan yang Belum Terselesaikan Sejak 26 Agustus 2024
Dalam 1 tahun
Unresolved Withdrawal Issue Since August 26, 2024
Dear Ivy Market Customer Support, My name is Duong Nhu Anh Dung ], and I am the holder of account number 885607 at Ivy Market. I am writing this letter to formally lodge a complaint about the issue I am experiencing with withdrawing funds from my account. **Details of the Issue:** - On August 26, 2024, I submitted a withdrawal request for the amount of 200$ from my trading account to my bank account (Vietinbank - 100877747399). However, I have not received the funds in my account to date. On August 27, 2024. I sent an email to your customer support team to inquire about the status of my withdrawal. I have not received any response or explanation regarding the delay. I have checked all relevant details on my end, including my bank account information and withdrawal request details, and everything is correct. Thus, I believe the issue lies with Ivy Market. **My Request:** - I request that Ivy Market addresses this issue promptly and processes the withdrawal so that the requested amount is credited to my account. -I also ask that you provide a specific reason for the delay and inform me of the expected timeline for resolving this matter. If I do not receive a satisfactory response from Ivy Market within 7 days from the date of this email, I will have to escalate the issue by contacting the relevant financial regulatory authorities and using social media or public forums to raise awareness about this matter. I hope that you will consider and handle this issue professionally and swiftly. Please confirm receipt of this letter and provide me with an update on the resolution status. Thank you for your cooperation and support. Best regards,
Tidak menerima dividen saham doyu pada tanggal 3 September 2024
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