WikiFX, sebagai platform layanan informasi pihak ketiga yang independen, berdedikasi untuk menyediakan layanan informasi peraturan broker yang komprehensif dan obyektif kepada pengguna. WikiFX tidak secara langsung terlibat dalam aktivitas perdagangan valas apa pun, juga tidak menawarkan rekomendasi saluran perdagangan atau saran investasi dalam bentuk apa pun. Pemeringkatan dan evaluasi broker oleh WikiFX didasarkan pada informasi obyektif yang tersedia untuk umum dan mempertimbangkan perbedaan kebijakan peraturan di berbagai negara dan wilayah. Pemeringkatan dan evaluasi broker adalah produk inti WikiFX, dan kami dengan tegas menentang praktik komersial apa pun yang dapat mengkompromikan objektivitas dan keadilannya. Kami menyambut pengawasan dan saran dari pengguna di seluruh dunia. Untuk melaporkan kekhawatiran apa pun, harap hubungi kami:
Penyelidikan Perdagangan Aman: Mengungkap Kebenaran di Tengah Dukungan Instagram
Dalam 1 tahun
Kerajaan Inggris
Secure Trading Inquiry: Uncovering Broker Legitimacy Amidst Online Claims
I've been trading for three years now. I first heard about them on Instagram. I checked out the comments and thought, What's going on here? I saw that big authorities and media are working with them and promoting them. I contact them and ask about this comments. They told me the real story, but it was obvious that if you're using bots, your account's gonna get shut down. they said they were licensed and not messing with the market or prices. I ended up talking to their manager for about half an hour. He sent me links to their licenses and told me to email and check. Their license is active on MyFX and even listed on Bloomberg. Can they really take someone's money and not lose their license? I just want to trade safely. They are even working with a bank! and compared prices with ten other brokers. Their rates were consistently better by 10 pips compared to the three other brokers I checked. It's annoying because they're trying so hard to set a standard for traders like us, but if I hadn't asked, I might've been fooled. So, if you're thinking about using them, check the comments and ask for them to call you. Make sure to verify that your money will be safe and you won't run into problems later.
Komisi yang Wajar Ditemukan: Bersyukur atas Kemitraan IB Otet
Perjalanan Lancar dengan Broker OTET: Tidak Ada Masalah Likuidasi & Dukungan yang Andal
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