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FXTM Segurança Terrível - $13802 roubados em 8 minutos
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FXTM Terrible Security - $13802 stolen in 8 minutes
MyFXTM ID: 64662843A total of USD13400 was stolen & fee USD402 inactive fee was charged from my FXTM account on 27.06.2024.The withdrawal was processed under very suspicious activity for the reasons below,1. The password was changed on 27 June, 7:54 pm MYT and a withdrawn was processed 3 minutes after without confirmation.2. The withdrawal was requested to a different address and method from previous deposit/withdrawal (TRX as suppose to USDT).3. The hefty inactive fee could have been easily avoided by trading in small volumes (0.01 lots)I have contact FXTM right after the incident, they have just replied refusing to bear responsibility,QUOTEUpon investigation, we have determined that these breaches were not the result of any internal breach within our company. It appears that compromised client credentials, potentially through sharing login details with third parties or insufficient safeguarding of credentials, have contributed to these incidents and unauthorized withdrawals.According to section 32 of the Client Agreement, clients are obligated to notify us immediately if they know or suspect that their Access Data has or may have been disclosed to any third person, clients agree to co-operate with any investigation FXTM may conduct into any misuse of their Access Data.As such, we want to emphasize the following points regarding your account security and our response to this incident:Liability Clarification: The company does not bear responsibility for losses resulting from unauthorized access due to compromised credentials. Clients are solely accountable for the security and confidentiality of their login detailsEND QUOTEFirstly, I would like to point out that FXTM's ticket has been directed to my old email despite having changed my email address - FXTM's security system is far from satisfactory.Furthermore, FXTM claims that the breach was due to my compromised credential without proof that it is not a security breach or inside job from FXTM's side. I have never shared my FXTM/email credentials with anyone nor is it accessible to anyone but myself.In all of FXTM's online review responses, "Always remember that FXTM is on your side" is mentioned. I expect to be fully compensated and that FXTM does not push the blame to the client's side.I will be escalating the issue to the Financial Services Commission - Mauritius.This money is life changing to me, I did not expect such a large brokerage to have such poor security measure and refuse to take responsibility for it. I advise anyone who cares about their funds to not deposit funds under such terrible security measures.
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