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Fraude, Msquare desvia o saque do cliente
Dentro de 1 ano
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Scam,Msquare embezzles the customer's withdrawal
1.On August 14, 2024, after I cleared my account, Msquare Group sent me a payment screenshot, informing me that they had made a payment to me. However, the fact is that 24 days have passed, and I still have not received the withdrawal amount. 2.After carefully examining the payment screenshot provided by Msquare Group, I identified three doubts.(1).Time issue: I applied for the withdrawal on August 14, and Msquare Group claimed to have made the payment that day, but the time shown on the screenshot is August 16.(2).Numerical expression issue: The withdrawal amount is 41401.55 USDT, and the screenshot displayed the same amount as 41401.55 USDT, but the platform typically shows the amount as “41,401.55 USDT” .(3)TXID value issue: Checking the TXID value on the website the receiver's address shown does not match the address I provided, and the amount also does not match. 3.I am certain that Msquare Group did not make a payment to me. NOW,I NEED HELP
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