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Thinkmarkets конфисковала мои средства на 700 долларов на моем счете
3-5 года
Thinkmarkets Seized My Funds of $700 my account
Dear Team, I am writing to solicit for your assistance. My Name is Lawrence Aitokhuehi from Nigeria. I was introduced into forex trading by a friend after some training I opened an account with thinkmarkets. Account Name Aitokhuehi Lawrence Account Number: 39069920 Broker: Thinkmarkets On their platform I was advised to fund my account via zotapay which I did with the provided rate of N420.32 to $1.00 on the platform while the central bank of Nigeria official rate was N420 to $1.00 I funded the account to the turn of $1,020 on the account and my Naira account was debited accordingly. I traded for about a month and made some loses and the balance on my trading account reduce to $720. On the 06/09/2022 I request for bank wire withdrawal of $520 to my bank account, on the thinkmarkets platform from the balance $720. The next day thinkmarkets suspend my account, withdraw all the funds and send me a mail that they have cleared my account to settle the difference in the conversion rate as at when the account was funded (attached are the mail). They also went further to state that the funds debited from my naira account by zotapay was not fully credited to them (mail also attached) They are saying the correct exchange rate that ought to have been used by Zotapay is N1,181.00 to $1.00. mail also attached. In the history of finance, USD/Naira rate has never exceeded N427 to $1.00 on our bank transactions. Zotapay is not responding to my mails sent to them since this whole thing stated May family is devastated because of this and the account officer assigned to me is no longer taking my calls and replying my chat. Please I need help to recover my funds as $700 is a lot of money in Nigeria Please let me know if you need any other information to assist me as I am in pain hear I need justice. Account Name Aitokhuehi Lawrence Account Number: 39069920 Broker: Thinkmarkets Kindly contact me
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