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EBCприостановили мои выплаты на их счет.
1-2 года
EBC suspended my withdrawals on their account.
I’m 100% sure that EBC is a fraud brocker. EBC suspended my requesting withdrawals because they insisted that we have to pay the tax to their tax account directly within the specific date otherwise my funds in their trading account will be frozen. Honestly, I never expected that my withdrawals has been pending by EBC until I pay the tax. Because I saw many fraud cases from international forex trading platforms that they refuse or suspend customer’s withdrawals like requesting paying the tax or being excused daily transfer limit or etc….when customers request to withdraw their funds. I’ve figured out that EBC doesn’t have a right to suspend customer’s withdrawals even unless paying taxes or not. And the tax department just notifies the amount of income tax to the customers. And customers pays them to the tax office by themselves. Nobody can suspend customer’s withdrawals whenever they request withdrawals even If we pay the tax or not. That’s no way. No FX trading platforms require to customers to pay their income tax with their company’s account directly. I’ll atteach the evidences of the records on their oline customer service below. I insist that they must return my fund in EBC account to my bank account!!!!
Предыдущая статья
Легкая торговля с EBC: Быстрые депозиты, быстрые выводы, радость трейдера
Следущая статья
Манипулирование спредом, манипулирование графиком… Я вспомнил, что это был usdnzd, когда цена двигалась в мою пользу и в прибыль, внезапно спред расширился примерно на 30 пунктов и остановил меня.
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