WikiFX, являясь независимой сторонней информационной платформой, стремится предоставлять пользователям комплексные и объективные услуги по поиску нормативной информации о дилерах. WikiFX не участвует напрямую в какой-либо торговой деятельности на валютном рынке и не предоставляет никаких рекомендаций по торговым каналам или инвестиционных советов. Рейтинг трейдеров WikiFX основан на объективной информации из общедоступных каналов и полностью учитывает различия регуляторной политики в разных странах и регионах. Рейтинги трейдеров являются основным продуктом WikiFX. Мы решительно выступаем против любой деловой практики, которая может нанести ущерб его объективности и беспристрастности, и приветствуем контроль и предложения пользователей со всего мира. Горячая линия для жалоб:
до 1 года
Exante stole all my money! I have been their client since 2019. In April 2024 there was an accident in my family my father has an Oncological disease and I tried to Withdraw my money for his treatment, At first I was informed that they do not withdraw money in my bank. I tried to transfer my srocks to another broker. l gave an order to transfer my stocks to another broker but after a long delay in the transfer procedure by Exante, they told me, that I can't allowed to do this, according their internal restricts. I asked them to show this internal restricts, but they couldn't do it. I wrote a letter to ceo Exante Aleksei Kirienko, complaint team, support team and personal manager and explained, that I need money for father's treatment and sent them all documents with diagnosis. They offered me to transfer my money to their account in Honk Kong. I opend the account in Honk Kong and they transfered money to this residence. Afrer it I tried to Withdraw my mone to my bank account, but money returned to my account in Exante Honk Kong. I asked them to show me swift document, but they amswered, that their bank can't provide Swift document, but it is the absurdity!!! I wrote the complience to complience department and CEO Dmitry Kirienko once again after it my money went missing from my account. My personal manager Sergei Krasikov told me, that they tried to transfer money to my bank account once again. After 3 weeks I don't have money in my bank account and I don't have money in my Exante account I wrote email to personal manager about actual status of my money, but there were no answer from him. Exante lies me every day!!! Three months I can't withdraw my money! They spoke with me only through the prrsonal manager, but he is not telling me the truth! I càn't receive any official answer from Exante team! Now I'm writing a claim to regulator!
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Комплексный выбор инструментов и высококачественная поддержка: взгляд трейдера по фиксированному доходу
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