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Việc lấy cắp và rút tiền hoa hồng mà không được ủy quyền
1-2 năm
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Nội dung nguyên bản
Illegal Access and Unauthorized Withdrawal of Funds Commissions
To whom it may concern, I am writing to bring to your attention aserious issue regarding illegal access and unauthorized withdrawal ofcommission of Eight Hundred Fifty One US Dollar and ThirtyEight US Cents Dollar (851.38 USD) by the country manager ofVentezo here in the Philippines. I only knew this the time that I received anemail on December 6, 2023 that a withdrawal has been completed. So Iimmediately login to my account and indeed there was a transaction done inbehalf of me. This grave misconduct constitutes a serious act of fraud, whichhas directly affected the integrity of operations and our trust in the company. The unauthorized withdrawal of commission bythe country manager not only violates company policies but also breaches thetrust and confidence of all parties involved, including clients and employees.Such actions undermine the reputation of the company and have causedsignificant financial harm. That following unauthorized transaction hasalso affected my brother-in-law’s trading account amounting to SixHundred Thirty Seven US Dollars and Seventy Five US Cents (637.75 USD) inwhich the complainant is one facilitating its trading. He received a similaremail from Ventezo Company regarding a withdrawal request completed that hehadn't initiated. That on the aforementioned date, 06 December2023, following an inquiry made to Ventezo's chat support, which yieldedunsatisfactory feedback, I sought resolution by directly contacting the Owner/CEOof Ventezo Company, Mr. IVAN NOVOSELOV, via WhatsApp messenger. However, noresponse was received.
Bài viết trước
Công ty Ventezo chưa gửi khoản rút 11.700 USD của tôi
Bài tiếp theo
Công ty Ventezo chưa chuyển tiền cho tôi hơn một tháng nay
Bình luận nhiều nhất trong tuần
Deleno IFC
Envi FX
Giraffe Markets
IVY Markets
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