OctaFX is one of the cheating Brokers, they manipulate the price when the actual price never touches that mark, I am attaching the snapshot of my transaction see where the market was there and they hunted my SL intentionally, which is actually must be penalized.. I should get my earnings back.. Even I am attaching a snapshot of two charts ie one of Oanda, and another of forex.com for the same date and time. For example on 28th Sep 2022, time 16:48 you'll find the market was at the 1642 mark, even at 16:50 but see the OctaFX snapshot of that day and time transaction, they hunted my SL which was 1656.. How? Similarly, I have multiple transactions I can show.. Then I stopped OctaFX and they should be banned, they should correct their system, and compensate the customer for this. If I did't get the funds back, I'll escalate this matter to Consumer Forum, RBI, and every Authority for this. They should be penalized for this.
Price Manipulation
OctaFX is one of the cheating Brokers, they manipulate the price when the actual price never touches that mark, I am attaching the snapshot of my transaction see where the market was there and they hunted my SL intentionally, which is actually must be penalized.. I should get my earnings back.. Even I am attaching a snapshot of two charts ie one of Oanda, and another of forex.com for the same date and time. For example on 28th Sep 2022, time 16:48 you'll find the market was at the 1642 mark, even at 16:50 but see the OctaFX snapshot of that day and time transaction, they hunted my SL which was 1656.. How? Similarly, I have multiple transactions I can show.. Then I stopped OctaFX and they should be banned, they should correct their system, and compensate the customer for this. If I did't get the funds back, I'll escalate this matter to Consumer Forum, RBI, and every Authority for this. They should be penalized for this.
一個很棒的經紀人,但我會推薦 gma1l dot com 上的 Drewwake dot jtbtech,以獲得很好的指導方式以及如何開始交易技巧
我的外汇交易还没有到达止损点,他们就要求我平仓,再入金一部分钱。 我照做了,最后钱都亏光了。他们说这是正常的情况,我遇到了糟糕的市场行情,我怎么感觉我受骗了呢?
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