我是來自馬爾達陽光公園的Noor Hasan Lodi。我曾要求最低的5000美元的計劃,並且在與朋友借貸的困難情況下支付了這筆款項。支付後,我的交易一度獲利,但後來不知何故又虧損了。Joseph在2023年12月14日表示,為了恢復虧損和利潤,我必須升級到2萬美元的計劃,然後他們才能恢復所有的虧損和利潤,並給我安排另外1.5萬美元。Joseph先生告訴我,一旦我支付了,他們將在接下來的24小時內處理我在biniance上的275,000美元的提款,我必須在2023年12月26日前支付。
AdmiralTrades are Big Scammer, they are not Trader
My self Noor Hasan Lodi from Sunny Park Malda In which i asked for the lowest minimum plan of $5000 and paid after in a very difficult way by borrowing with my friends. After paying my trade went in profit and latter on somehow it went to loss in which Joseph Said on Dated 14.Dec.2023 that to recovery the loss and profit I have to upgrade the plan for $20000 Plan then all they can recovery all the loss & Profit and gave me huge peruser for arrange another $15000. Mr Joseph said to me once you pay then they will process all the withdrawal amounts $275000 within the next 24hrs in my biniance and I have to pay by 26-12-2023.
paid Admiral as advised by Mr Josheph between 13.11.23. To 10.01.2024. After completing paid $20430 to Mr joseph by biniance said that he is in process for my withdrawal struggling to cleared my withdrawal. but they are not able to clear the withdrawal due Indian Govt has Banned the Biniance in India, After 20 days Mr Josheph started multiple excuse and they again started asking me to upgrade account by pay another $19000 deposit, After upgrading my account then only they can will provided the International Tax Membership Certificate through which they can clear the withdrawal payment. They called me to multiplies till 25 April-24 after it they stop the call and blocked trading software of my ID but online id is still active and now not receiving call or responding.
then only they can pay, else they cannot payout. But now they are not paying
AdmiralTrades 是一個大騙子,他們並不是交易者
AdmiralTrades are Big Scammer, they are not Trader
My self Noor Hasan Lodi from Sunny Park Malda In which i asked for the lowest minimum plan of $5000 and paid after in a very difficult way by borrowing with my friends. After paying my trade went in profit and latter on somehow it went to loss in which Joseph Said on Dated 14.Dec.2023 that to recovery the loss and profit I have to upgrade the plan for $20000 Plan then all they can recovery all the loss & Profit and gave me huge peruser for arrange another $15000. Mr Joseph said to me once you pay then they will process all the withdrawal amounts $275000 within the next 24hrs in my biniance and I have to pay by 26-12-2023. paid Admiral as advised by Mr Josheph between 13.11.23. To 10.01.2024. After completing paid $20430 to Mr joseph by biniance said that he is in process for my withdrawal struggling to cleared my withdrawal. but they are not able to clear the withdrawal due Indian Govt has Banned the Biniance in India, After 20 days Mr Josheph started multiple excuse and they again started asking me to upgrade account by pay another $19000 deposit, After upgrading my account then only they can will provided the International Tax Membership Certificate through which they can clear the withdrawal payment. They called me to multiplies till 25 April-24 after it they stop the call and blocked trading software of my ID but online id is still active and now not receiving call or responding. then only they can pay, else they cannot payout. But now they are not paying
我是Noor Hasan Lodi
Admiral Trades 的交易條件看起來不錯!我決定試試他們的模擬賬戶。畢竟,模擬賬戶不會真的讓我花錢。它可以用作外匯交易遊戲。
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