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Dollar Rebound on Upbeat U.S. Economic Indicators

Dollar Rebound on Upbeat U.S. Economic Indicators

stronger-than-anticipated U.S. Retail Sales growth and Initial Jobless Claims, eased recession fears and bolstered the dollar's strength in the last session.

Nachrichten 2024-08-16 14:01
Today's Financial Highlights

Today's Financial Highlights

Market Review | August 16, 2024

Review 2024-08-16 11:22
Quiet Before the Storm? Markets Poised for a Relaxed Week

Quiet Before the Storm? Markets Poised for a Relaxed Week

For June 2024, Canada's CPI rose by 2.7% year-over-year, down from 2.9% previously. This decrease in core inflation is driven by a combination of slower economic growth and moderated wage growth, even with a strong labor market. The FOMC meeting minutes from July 2024 indicated that the Federal Reserve decided to maintain the federal funds rate within the target range of 5.25% to 5.50% and revealed a shift in the Fed's focus. The latest data on U.S. Initial Jobless Claims, for the week ending...

Nachrichten 2024-08-16 11:16
Investment Opportunities Today

Investment Opportunities Today

Market Review | August 16, 2024

Review 2024-08-16 11:15
KVB Market Analysis | 16 August: USD/JPY Forecast: Short-Term Bearish Trend Amid Dollar Consolidation

KVB Market Analysis | 16 August: USD/JPY Forecast: Short-Term Bearish Trend Amid Dollar Consolidation

This year's arbitrage gains have been erased, with 65%-75% of these positions closed. The dollar's reaction has been as expected but slightly disappointing, with a significant 100 basis point rise in U.S. short-term interest rates impacting it. JPMorgan has reduced its dollar forecasts, now predicting USD/JPY at $146 in Q4 2024 and $144 in Q2 2025, down from $147. Despite a weakening job market, other economic data remains strong.

Review 2024-08-16 11:13
The U.S. dollar index returned to the 103 mark; gold once plunged nearly $40 from its intraday high!

The U.S. dollar index returned to the 103 mark; gold once plunged nearly $40 from its intraday high!

The monthly rate of retail sales in the United States in July was 1%, far exceeding expectations; the number of initial claims last week was slightly lower than expected, falling to the lowest level since July; traders cut their expectations of a rate cut by the Federal Reserve, and interest rate futures priced that the Federal Reserve would reduce the rate cut to 93 basis points this year. The probability of a 50 basis point rate cut in September fell to 27%. The data broke the expectation of a

Nachrichten 2024-08-16 10:48
FBS Increases Leverage on U.S. Indices to 1:500

FBS Increases Leverage on U.S. Indices to 1:500

FBS is excited to announce a significant update in trading conditions for our clients: starting from August 5th, 2024, the leverage on major U.S. indices, including US30, US100, and US500, is increased from 1:200 to 1:500.

Nachrichten 2024-08-15 21:29
【MACRO Insight】Tonight We Welcome Two "Data Bombs" Again, Will the Federal Reserve's Interest Rate Cut Expectations Be Reassessed?

【MACRO Insight】Tonight We Welcome Two "Data Bombs" Again, Will the Federal Reserve's Interest Rate Cut Expectations Be Reassessed?

the latest release of CPI data in the United States has led to increased expectations in the market that the Federal Reserve will cut rates by 25 basis points at the September meeting, while expectations for a 50 basis point rate cut have weakened. Market analysts estimate that the specific rate cut by the Federal Reserve will be determined by the August employment data to be announced, and Federal Reserve Chairman Powell may pave the way for a rate cut at the Jackson Hole symposium. Although th

Review 2024-08-15 15:26
Wall Street Rally on Soft CPI

Wall Street Rally on Soft CPI

The most anticipated economic indicator of the week, the U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI), was released yesterday, coming in at 2.9%, below the 3% threshold and in line with the Producer Price Index (PPI) data from the previous day. This further sign of easing inflationary pressure in the U.S. has heightened expectations that the Federal Reserve may implement its first rate cut in September.

Nachrichten 2024-08-15 13:32
Global Markets Watch: Economic Signals, Leadership Changes, and Market Movements Across Asia, Europe, and the US

Global Markets Watch: Economic Signals, Leadership Changes, and Market Movements Across Asia, Europe, and the US

Today's global market update highlights key economic developments, including concerns over the US labor market, Japan's economic rebound, and China's property market stabilization. Leadership transitions in Japan and Thailand add political uncertainty, while market reactions to major companies like Nike and tech advancements in AI showcase shifting dynamics. International diplomacy and geopolitical tensions remain critical as global financial landscapes continue to evolve.

Nachrichten 2024-08-15 13:21
US CPI fell back below 3% after three years; gold surged and then fell!

US CPI fell back below 3% after three years; gold surged and then fell!

The annual rate of the overall CPI in the United States in July was 2.9%, the first time it has returned to the "2-digit" since March 2021, slightly lower than the expected 3%; the monthly rate rebounded from -0.1% to 0.2% as expected. At the same time, the year-on-year growth rate of the core CPI in July fell to 3.2%, and the month-on-month growth rate rebounded from 0.1% to 0.2% as expected. After the data was released, traders lowered their expectations of a 50 basis point rate cut by the Fed

Nachrichten 2024-08-15 11:39
KVB Market Analysis | 15 August: Gold Prices Drop Sharply Following U.S. CPI Report and Fed Rate Cut Expectations

KVB Market Analysis | 15 August: Gold Prices Drop Sharply Following U.S. CPI Report and Fed Rate Cut Expectations

Spot XAU/USD dropped nearly $18, closing below $2,450, after the latest U.S. CPI report reduced hopes for a significant Fed rate cut. The CPI rose 0.2% in July, with a notable increase in rent, particularly "owner's equivalent rent," which accelerated to 0.36%, contributing to the market's disappointment.

Review 2024-08-15 10:55
Today's Financial Forecast

Today's Financial Forecast

Market Review | August 15, 2024

Review 2024-08-15 10:04
Insights and Analysis for Today's Markets

Insights and Analysis for Today's Markets

Market Review | August 15, 2024

Review 2024-08-15 10:04
【MACRO Alert】OPEC+ Production Increase and Global Demand Uncertainty - Shortage and Surplus

【MACRO Alert】OPEC+ Production Increase and Global Demand Uncertainty - Shortage and Surplus

OPEC+'s production decisions, adjustments in the U.S. refining industry, and global economic uncertainties are jointly shaping the balance of supply and demand in the oil market. Market participants need to closely monitor these dynamics to make wise investment and operational decisions. Analysts expect that if demand growth does not accelerate, OPEC+ may have to reconsider its production increase plan. At the same time, the operational adjustments of U.S. refiners and the development of the glo

Nachrichten 2024-08-14 14:36
The increase in the US Producer Price Index has fallen  The US dollar fell significantly on Tuesday, and gold bulls have higher targets

The increase in the US Producer Price Index has fallen The US dollar fell significantly on Tuesday, and gold bulls have higher targets

On Tuesday (August 13th), the US dollar index plunged after PPI data boosted expectations of a Fed rate cut, ultimately closing down 0.491% at 102.62.

Review 2024-08-14 14:25
Global Financial Trends and Strategic Shifts

Global Financial Trends and Strategic Shifts

Japan prepares for a new prime minister as Kishida decides not to seek re-election. The US DOJ considers breaking up Google's monopoly, while financial markets signal rising recession risks. Meanwhile, Ukraine's strategic military actions in Russia intensify geopolitical tensions, and Norway's sovereign wealth fund adjusts its major holdings.

Nachrichten 2024-08-14 14:01
Dollar Eases on Soft PPI Reading

Dollar Eases on Soft PPI Reading

Wall Street rallied on the soft PPI reading in the last session and the sentiment is shared in the Asian equity markets on Wednesday.

Nachrichten 2024-08-14 13:22
Investment Opportunities Today

Investment Opportunities Today

Market Review | August 14, 2024

Review 2024-08-14 12:32
Investment News for Today's Markets

Investment News for Today's Markets

Market Review | August 14, 2024

Review 2024-08-14 12:28
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