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India|5-10 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License| Suspicious Scope of Business| High potential risk


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+91 011 47115555-75
wz-310, Nangal Raya, Delhi Cantt New Delhi-110046


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

Warning: Low score, please stay away!
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

Basic Information

Registered Region
Operating Period
5-10 years
Company Name
Vishwas Fincap Services Pvt. Ltd
Customer Service Email Address
Contact Number
Company Website
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Company Summary

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Company Summary

Feature Details
Company Name Vishwas Fincap
Registered In New Delhi, India
Regulated Unregulated
Years of Establishment Since 1996
Trading Instruments Equities, derivatives, forex
Minimum Initial Deposit $200
Maximum Leverage 1:500
Minimum Spread 1.5 pips (EUR/USD)
Trading Platform Web-based
Deposit and Withdrawal Method Credit cards, debit cards, wire transfers, e-wallets
Customer Service Email, Phone, IVR, Mobile, Fax

Overview of Vishwas Fincap

Vishwas Fincap is a New Delhi-based financial services company founded in 1996, offering a range of trading instruments including equities, derivatives, and forex. While the firm touts its longevity and professional management as strengths, it is currently not regulated by any financial authority.

The company provides a web-based trading platform with a variety of features, including technical analysis tools. Vishwas Fincap requires a minimum initial deposit of $200 and offers leverage up to 1:500, along with variable spreads that typically start at 1.5 pips for the EUR/USD pair. Multiple methods for deposit and withdrawal are available, and customer service can be reached through various channels including email and phone.

Overview of Vishwas Fincap

Is Vishwas Fincap Legit or a Scam?

Vishwas Fincap is currently not regulated by any known financial authority. Regulation is a crucial factor in determining the legitimacy and safety of a financial services provider. Regulatory bodies, such as the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in India or the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK, provide a framework within which these companies are expected to operate. These frameworks often include financial audits, dispute resolution mechanisms, and certain minimum operating capital requirements, among other checks and balances aimed at protecting the investor.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Longevity: Established since 1996 Limited transparency
Managed by experts Primarily in India
Offers varied services Lacks regulation


  1. Longevity: The fact that the company has been around since 1996 indicates a certain level of reliability and stability in its operations.

  2. Expert Management: The company is managed by a team of professionals from diverse but relevant backgrounds, including finance, banking, and industry. This could indicate a more sophisticated approach to financial services.

  3. Comprehensive Services: Vishwas Fincap seems to offer a broad spectrum of services, catering to various financial needs, though details are scarce.


  1. Limited Public Information: The lack of detailed information on their services, fees, and user experience is a red flag. Transparency is key in the financial world.

  2. Geographical Limitations: From the information available, it appears that the company operates primarily in India, which could limit its appeal to international clients.

  3. Unregulated: The lack of regulatory oversight for Vishwas Fincap is a significant con, as it raises concerns about the company's transparency, accountability, and the security of investor funds.

Market Instruments

Vishwas Fincap offers a range of market instruments across different asset classes, making it a versatile platform for traders and investors. The brokerage firm provides opportunities for equity trading on prominent Indian stock exchanges like the National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) and the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (BSE). In addition to equity trading, Vishwas Fincap also offers derivatives trading, including options and futures based on both indexes and select stocks. Furthermore, the company has ventured into currency derivatives, allowing clients to trade futures contracts in the forex market through exchanges like NSE and MCX-SX. While the diversity of offerings is a strong point, it's worth noting that the firm is currently unregulated, which may pose risks to investor funds and security.

Market Instruments

How to Open an Account?


  1. Visit the KYC Portal: Go to

  2. Fill in the Details: Complete all the fields as requested.

  1. Upload Documents: This usually includes proof of identification and proof of residence.

  2. Complete VIPV: VIPV or Video In Person Verification is an additional layer of security to confirm your identity.

  3. E-sign with Aadhar OTP: Finalize the process by using a One Time Password sent to your Aadhar-registered mobile number.


  1. Contact Information: Fill out your contact information on their website.

  2. Wait for Executive Callback: An executive from the company will contact you to guide you through the process.

  3. Visit Office: Alternatively, you can visit one of their registered offices for face-to-face assistance.


Vishwas Fincap offers a substantial amount of leverage, up to 1:500, which is an enticing feature for traders looking to maximize their profit potential. This means that with a minimal deposit, you can control a position size that is 500 times larger than your initial investment. For example, a $200 deposit could control a $100,000 position. While this offers the possibility for significant gains, it is important to understand that the risk is equally magnified. Leveraging positions can lead to considerable losses if the market moves against your trade. Therefore, it is crucial for traders to be aware of the risk management strategies needed to employ leverage safely.

Spreads & Commissions

The spreads at Vishwas Fincap are variable and typically stand at around 1.5 pips for the EUR/USD pair. In financial trading, the spread is the difference between the bid (buying) and the ask (selling) price of an asset. Lower spreads generally mean lower trading costs, but it's important to note that spreads can widen during times of high volatility.

Alongside the spreads, Vishwas also charges commissions, the rates of which vary depending on the trading instrument. These charges should be well-understood as they contribute to the overall trading costs and thus affect profitability. Before commencing trading, it is advisable to fully explore the commission structure and how it applies to different market instruments to ensure you are comfortable with the costs involved.

Trading Platform

Vishwas Fincap offers a web-based trading platform designed for ease of use while providing a host of features beneficial for trading. The platform includes functionalities like charting options and technical analysis tools, allowing traders to assess market conditions effectively. These tools can be particularly useful for those who use technical indicators to make trading decisions.

Moreover, the platform allows for smooth order execution, which is crucial for capitalizing on short-term market movements. While being web-based offers the convenience of accessibility from any device with an internet connection, it may lack some of the advanced features available on standalone, downloadable platforms.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

With Vishwas Fincap, depositing and withdrawing funds is a straightforward process. They offer a wide array of payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, wire transfers, and e-wallets. This flexibility is highly beneficial for traders, as it enables them to choose the most convenient method for their needs. The minimum deposit required to start trading is $200, which is relatively low, making it accessible for traders with different financial capacities.

However, traders should be aware of any potential fees associated with deposit and withdrawal processes, as these could eat into profits. Additionally, the speed at which withdrawals are processed could be a crucial factor for traders who require quick access to their funds. Therefore, reviewing the fine print regarding transaction processes is advisable before committing to the platform.

Customer Support

Vishwas Fincap provides multiple avenues for customer support, making it convenient for clients to get in touch with them. Their head office is located at wz-310, Nangal Raya, Delhi Cantt, New Delhi-110046. In terms of electronic communication, they can be reached via email at

For those who prefer phone support, they offer a range of numbers: the main line is 011 47115555-75, and there is also an IVR option at 9911345670. Additionally, mobile contact is possible through +91- 9212187004/05/06. They also maintain a fax line at 011 28112661. The company promises to respond to queries within 48 hours, which demonstrates a commitment to customer service.

Customer Support

Educational Resources

Vishwas Fincap extends its services beyond trading by offering market information and news on its website, serving as educational resources for its clients. These features aim to keep investors informed about current market trends, news events, and other financial updates that can affect trading decisions.

By providing such resources, Vishwas Fincap empowers its clients to make more informed investment choices, although the quality and depth of these resources are not detailed. This educational component is particularly useful for both novice and experienced traders looking to stay updated and make well-informed decisions in the market.

Educational Resources


In conclusion, Vishwas Fincap presents itself as a long-standing player in the Indian financial services sector, offering a variety of trading instruments and a user-friendly web-based platform. However, the lack of regulatory oversight and limited public information about its services raises red flags. While the firm's diverse range of services and leverage options may be attractive to some traders, the absence of transparency and regulation suggests that potential clients should exercise caution and conduct thorough due diligence before engaging with the company.


Q: What is the maximum leverage offered by Vishwas Fincap?

A: Vishwas Fincap offers a maximum leverage of up to 1:500 on selected trading instruments.

Q: Are there any commissions charged on trades?

A: Yes, Vishwas Fincap charges variable commissions depending on the trading instrument.

Q: Is Vishwas Fincap regulated by any financial authority?

A: No, as of the available information, Vishwas Fincap is not regulated by any known financial authority.

Q: What is the minimum initial deposit required to start trading?

A: The minimum initial deposit required for trading with Vishwas Fincap is $200.

Q: What types of trading platforms does Vishwas Fincap offer?

A: Vishwas Fincap provides a web-based trading platform equipped with charting and technical analysis tools.

Q: How can I get in touch with Vishwas Fincap's customer support?

A: You can reach Vishwas Fincap's customer support via email, phone, and fax, with a promised response time of 48 hours.

Q: What kinds of educational resources does Vishwas Fincap offer to traders?

A: Vishwas Fincap provides market information and news on its website to keep traders informed about current market conditions.


  • 5-10 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • High potential risk
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