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Jack Filled

Canada|5-10 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License| Suspicious Scope of Business| High potential risk


Rating Index




Influence index NO.1

Canada 2.48
Surpassed 15.60% brokers
Biz AreaSearch StatisticsAdvertisingSocial Media Index

102-305 Milner Ave Scarborough, Ontario, M1B 3V4


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

Warning: Low score, please stay away!
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

Basic Information

Registered Region
Operating Period
5-10 years
Company Name
Jack Filled Foreign Exchange Inc.
Customer Service Email Address
Company address
102-305 Milner Ave Scarborough, Ontario, M1B 3V4
Biz Area
Company Summary

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Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Jack Filled Foreign Exchange
Registered Country/Area Canada
Founded Year 2008
Regulation Not regulated
Account Foreign Currency Account
Products & Services Foreign Exchange (Forex) and Risk Management services
Customer Support Email:, phone:+1 416-901-9995
Deposit & Withdrawal Payment methods include cash, bank transfers, and credit/debit cards

Overview of Jack Filled

Jack Filled Foreign Exchange, established in 2008 and based in Canada, operates as a trading platform offering Foreign Exchange (Forex) and Risk Management services. Specializing in Foreign Currency Accounts, the platform allows users to hold funds in various currencies for international transactions.

While the platform boasts competitive advantages such as 7-days-a-week customer support and various payment methods, it faces limitations. Jack Filled lacks regulatory oversight, potentially impacting transparency and legal protections for users. Additionally, educational resources are limited, requiring users to seek supplementary information for comprehensive market insights and learning opportunities.

Overview of Jack Filled

Is Jack Filled legit or a scam?

Jack Filled operates without regulation from any oversight authority, raising potential apprehensions regarding the transparency and supervision of the exchange.

Unregulated exchanges, by nature, lack the vigilant oversight and legal safeguards typically offered by regulatory bodies. This absence exposes users to elevated risks such as fraud, market manipulation, and security breaches. In the absence of proper regulatory frameworks, users will encounter difficulties in seeking redress or resolving disputes.

Moreover, the deficiency in regulatory scrutiny can contribute to a less transparent trading landscape, complicating the evaluation of the exchange's legitimacy and reliability for users.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Competitive foreign exchange rates Not regulated
7-days-a-week customer support availability Limited educational Resources
Expert foreign exchange specialists Limited market analysis and insights
Not available in some countries or regions


  • Competitive Foreign Exchange Rates:

    • Jack Filled Foreign Exchange offers competitive rates, potentially providing cost savings compared to other platforms or traditional banking institutions.

  • 7-Days-a-Week Customer Support Availability:

    • The platform provides customer support every day of the week, including holidays, enhancing accessibility for users who require assistance at any time.

  • Expert Foreign Exchange Specialists:

    • Users benefit from the expertise of foreign exchange specialists at Jack Filled, ensuring a professional approach to finding optimal solutions for various trade requirements.


  • Not Regulated:

    • Jack Filled Foreign Exchange lacks regulatory oversight, which will raise issues about transparency, oversight, and legal protections for users.

  • Limited Educational Resources:

    • The platform has limited educational resources, potentially impacting the learning experience for users who seek in-depth information about the foreign exchange market.

  • Limited Market Analysis and Insights:

    • Jack Filled provides limited market analysis and insights, which is a drawback for users who rely on comprehensive market information for their trading decisions.

  • Not Available in Some Countries or Regions:

    • The platform is not available in certain countries or regions, limiting accessibility for potential users in those specific geographical areas.

    • Pros and Cons

Products & Services

Jack Filled offers a range of products, primarily focusing on Foreign Exchange (Forex) and Risk Management services.

1. Fusion FX Online:

  • This platform allows users to manage currency transactions conveniently and securely. It provides a user-friendly interface for handling currency-related activities.

2. Global Payment Solutions:

  • Jack Filled presents flexible payment solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses. These solutions enhance payment efficiency and adaptability.

3. Dedicated Account Management:

  • Jack Filled emphasizes effective partnership by offering dedicated account management. This ensures a personalized approach to understanding and addressing the specific needs of businesses.

4. Foreign Currency Accounts:

  • Users can receive payments in multiple currencies, enabling efficient management of natural hedges by netting incoming and outgoing payments in the same currency.

5. Risk Management Solutions:

  • Jack Filled assists businesses in managing cash flow, protecting margins, and mitigating currency risk. The company provides custom hedging solutions tailored to individual business requirements.

6. Market Orders:

  • Jack Filled enables users to capitalize on favorable exchange rate moves without actively monitoring the market. Market orders allow users to focus on their core business activities while the platform keeps an eye on market trends.

7. Currency Offerings:

  • The platform facilitates the execution of spot and forward contracts globally, offering access to over 175 global currencies. This broad range of currency options allows for trading strategies.

8. Innovative Payment Solutions:

  • Jack Filled provides innovative payment solutions that encompass capturing, paying, sending, and tracking invoices and payments. The platform also supports the consolidation of international payments, purchases, and receivable information, with features like same-day and next-day payments and exportable historical data.

Products & Services
Products & Services

Account Types

Jack Filled Foreign Exchange offers Foreign Currency Accounts, providing users with the flexibility to hold funds in various currencies. This feature allows clients to navigate international transactions, both sending and receiving payments. The Foreign Currency Accounts serve individuals or businesses engaged in frequent international dealings, providing a convenient solution for those who prefer to manage and transact in multiple currencies. This account type is well-suited for users seeking enhanced flexibility and efficiency in their cross-border financial activities, making it particularly advantageous for those involved in global trade or frequent international payments.

How to Open an Account?

Opening an Account with Jack Filled Foreign Exchange:

1. Initial Consultation:

  • Begin by engaging in a discussion with our experienced team to assess and understand your foreign exchange needs. This step involves comprehensive planning, ensuring clarity on the best course of action for your specific requirements. We take the time to explain the entire process, addressing any queries.

2. Dealing Account Setup:

  • Following the consultation, we facilitate the setup of a 'dealing account,' a straightforward and free process that does not bind you to trade with us. This account structure enables us to handle transactions of all sizes, offering highly competitive rates by avoiding the burden of large overheads.

3. Transaction Agreement:

  • Once you are prepared to proceed with your transaction, we will agree upon a specific rate for purchasing your required currency. This transaction is executed through either a spot or forward contract, providing flexibility based on your preferences and market conditions.

4. Wire Transfer of Funds:

  • You can conveniently wire transfer the funds to pay for the purchased currency through various channels, including online, over the phone, or in person. Upon receiving your funds, we promptly proceed to deliver your acquired currency to the designated destination.

5. Payment Confirmation:

  • To keep you informed and provide transparency, we send a payment confirmation email once your funds have been successfully sent to the beneficiary. This confirmation serves as a verification of the completion of the transaction and ensures that you are updated on the status of your transfer.

6. Ongoing Communication:

  • Throughout the entire process, we prioritize open communication. Whether it's day or night, our team is available to address your ongoing needs. This commitment to communication guaranteesthat your funds reach their destination on time, supported by thorough planning and responsiveness to any inquiries.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Jack Filled Foreign Exchange provides users with various payment methods to facilitate transactions. Clients can fund their accounts through cash, bank transfers and credit/debit cards. This flexibility allows users to choose the method that aligns with their preferences and convenience, enhancing the overall user experience.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Customer Support

Jack Filled ensures excellent customer support through various channels. Located at 305 Milner Ave #102, Toronto, ON M1B 3V4, Canada, clients can visit in person for personalized assistance. The helpline, reachable at +1 416-901-9995, operates extensively from 8 am to 9 pm on weekdays and 9 am to 9 pm on weekends. Additionally, clients can connect via email

This approach, covering in-person, phone, and email support during extended hours, demonstrates Jack Filled's commitment to addressing client needs promptly and providing accessible assistance for a customer experience.

Customer Support


In conclusion, Jack Filled Foreign Exchange presents itself as a platform with distinct advantages and some notable drawbacks. On the positive side, the platform stands out for offering competitive foreign exchange rates, potentially yielding cost savings for users. The 7-days-a-week availability of customer support adds a layer of convenience, ensuring that users can seek assistance whenever needed. Additionally, the presence of expert foreign exchange specialists contributes to a professional and tailored approach for users engaging in trading activities.

However, it's important to acknowledge the limitations. The platform's lack of regulatory oversight raises questions about transparency and legal protections. The absence of comprehensive educational resources and market analysis tools will hinder the learning experience and decision-making process for users who rely heavily on these features. Furthermore, the platform's limited availability in certain countries or regions restricts its accessibility for a broader user base. As users weigh these advantages and disadvantages, careful consideration of their specific needs and priorities is crucial in determining the suitability of Jack Filled Foreign Exchange for their foreign exchange requirements.


Q: What payment methods does Jack Filled Foreign Exchange accept?

A: Jack Filled accepts payments through cash, bank transfers, and credit/debit cards.

Q: How quickly are transactions processed on the platform?

A: Transaction processing times depend on the payment method. Bank transfers will take 1-3 business days, while credit/debit card transactions are generally faster.

Q: Does Jack Filled provide market analysis tools for traders?

A: While the platform offers expert foreign exchange specialists, market analysis tools are limited. Users need to seek additional sources for detailed market insights.

Q: Is Jack Filled regulated by any authority?

A: No, Jack Filled Foreign Exchange is not regulated, which will impact transparency and legal protections for users.

Q: What is the customer support availability on Jack Filled?

A: Customer support is available 7 days a week, including holidays and weekends, ensuring accessibility for users.


  • 5-10 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • High potential risk
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