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Vintage Trade Option

United States|2-5 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License|Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


Rating Index


+1 (413) 268-4685


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

Warning: Low score, please stay away!
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

Basic Information

Registered region
United States
Operating period
2-5 years
Company Name
Vintage Trade Option
Customer Service Email Address
Contact number
Company Summary

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Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area United States
Founded Year 2-5 years
Company Name Vintage Trade Option
Regulation No Regulation
Tradable Assets Forex market, binary options
Customer Support Phone: +1 (413) 268-4685

Overview of Vintage Trading Option

Vintage Trade Option is a financial company that operates in the United States. However, it is important to note that Vintage Trade Option has a suspicious regulatory license and its scope of business raises concerns. The company has a high potential risk associated with it.

The Vintage Trade Option website,, provides information about the company's services and offerings. However, it is highlighted that there are no valid regulatory licenses associated with the company, indicating a lack of oversight and regulation. This absence of regulation poses risks to potential investors and traders.

The company's website also provides a comparison and exposure of brokers, as well as the option to open an account. However, it is advised to exercise caution due to the low score and absence of valid regulatory information.

Vintage Trade Option claims to engage in stock market, foreign exchange market, Forex Trade, and gold trading. However, without proper regulation and oversight, these activities may carry higher risks for investors.

The company's contact information includes a phone number (+1 (413) 268-4685) and a listed headquarters address in Haverhill, Massachusetts, United States. The website does not provide revenue information, and the industry associated with Vintage Trade Option is listed as credit cards and transaction processing.

It is essential to approach Vintage Trade Option with caution due to the lack of regulation, the suspicious nature of its license and business scope, and the high potential risk associated with the company.


Pros and Cons

Despite offering services in stock, forex, and gold trading, Vintage Trading Option lacks valid regulatory information, provides comparison and exposure of brokers, but holds a suspicious regulatory license, allows users to open an account, yet carries high potential risk, provides contact information, but receives a low score, and claims to be engaged in various financial markets, but exhibits a lack of transparency regarding company address and revenue.

Pros Cons
Offers services in stock, forex, and gold trading No valid regulatory information
Provides comparison and exposure of brokers Suspicious regulatory license
Allows users to open an account High potential risk
Provides contact information Low score
Claims to be engaged in various financial markets Lack of transparency regarding company address and revenue

Is Vintage Trading Option Legit?

Based on the information available from WikiFX and other sources, Vintage Trade Option raises several red flags that indicate it may not be a legitimate and trustworthy broker. Here are some key points to consider:

1. No Regulation: Vintage Trade Option is stated to have no valid regulatory information. This lack of regulation should be a major concern for potential investors, as it means there is no oversight or protection from regulatory authorities.

2. Suspicious Regulatory License: The search results mention a “suspicious regulatory license” associated with Vintage Trade Option. This raises doubts about the legitimacy of their operations and suggests they might be using deceptive practices.

3. High Potential Risk: The search results highlight a high potential risk associated with Vintage Trade Option. While the specific details of this risk are not mentioned, it implies that engaging with this broker could lead to financial loss or other negative outcomes.

4. Low Score and Warning: Vintage Trade Option has a low score of 1.37/10, indicating that it is not recommended. The search results also warn users to stay away from this broker due to its low score and lack of valid regulation.

5. Incomplete Information: The company's website does not provide crucial details such as a company address, social media profiles (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.), or LinkedIn page. This lack of transparency is concerning and further raises doubts about the legitimacy of Vintage Trade Option.

6. Negative Search Results: The search results do not provide any positive reviews or reputable sources supporting the legitimacy of Vintage Trade Option. This absence of positive information adds to the suspicion surrounding this broker.

Market Instruments

The available information indicates that Vintage Trade Option is operating without valid regulation, which raises concerns about its legitimacy and the level of protection it offers to its clients. The company claims to be engaged in stock market, foreign exchange market, Forex trade, and gold trading. However, the suspicious regulatory license, lack of valid regulatory information, and high potential risk mentioned in the search results suggest that caution should be exercised when considering this broker.

The search results also mention the availability of trading instruments such as options trading. Options trading involves buying and selling options contracts, which give traders the right (but not the obligation) to buy or sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price within a specified time period. However, it's important to note that the search results do not provide specific details about the trading instruments offered by Vintage Trade Option or their features.

Given the lack of regulatory oversight and the associated risks mentioned in the search results, it is advisable to exercise caution and conduct further research before considering any involvement with Vintage Trade Option or any other similar broker. It is recommended to verify the latest information, read user reviews, check regulatory authorities' databases for licenses and regulations, and seek advice from financial professionals before making any investment decisions.

Trading Platforms

Based on the available information, there is limited specific information about the trading platforms used by Vintage Trade Option. However, it is mentioned that Vintage Trade Option offers the MT4/5 trading software as its platform.

MT4 (MetaTrader 4) and MT5 (MetaTrader 5) are widely recognized and popular trading platforms in the financial industry. They are developed by MetaQuotes Software and provide a range of features and tools for trading various financial instruments, including forex, stocks, and commodities.

Both MT4 and MT5 platforms offer advanced charting capabilities, technical analysis tools, customizable indicators, and automated trading options through the use of Expert Advisors (EAs). These platforms are known for their user-friendly interfaces, reliability, and extensive community support.

However, it is important to note that the overall assessment of Vintage Trade Option is negative due to the lack of regulation and high potential risk associated with the platform. The absence of valid regulatory information raises concerns about the credibility and security of the trading environment.

When considering a trading platform, it is crucial to prioritize the legitimacy and regulatory compliance of the broker. Regulated brokers provide a higher level of protection for traders' funds and ensure fair trading practices.

Given the warning and low score associated with Vintage Trade Option, it is recommended to exercise caution and consider alternative regulated and reputable platforms for your trading needs.

Please note that the information provided is based on the available web search results up until May 16, 2023. It is always recommended to verify the latest information and consult with financial professionals before making any investment decisions.


Deposit and Withdraw

Based on the information available, Vintage Trade Option does not have a valid regulatory license, which is a concerning factor. The lack of regulation means that there is no oversight or protection for traders using their services. The WikiFX Verification score for Vintage Trade Option is very low at 1.37/10, indicating a high potential risk.

The deposit and withdrawal methods provided by Vintage Trade Option are not explicitly mentioned in the available information. However, it is mentioned that there are no restrictions on the broker account and support services are provided by WikiFX. This suggests that there may be some flexibility in terms of deposit and withdrawal options, but it is advised to exercise caution given the lack of regulation and the high-risk nature of the platform.

It's important to note that the information provided is based on the available web search results up until September 2021. It is recommended to verify the latest information and consult with financial professionals before engaging with Vintage Trade Option or any similar brokerage firm.

Customer Service

Based on the information provided, Vintage Trade Option's customer service details are not explicitly mentioned in the available search results. The contact information provided for Vintage Trade Option includes a phone number, +1 (413) 268-4685.

However, there is no specific information about the customer service quality, response times, or available support channels such as email, live chat, or a dedicated customer support team.


Based on the available web search results, Vintage Trade Option appears to be a brokerage firm operating in the forex market and binary options. However, there are several red flags and concerns that need to be considered before engaging with this platform.

One significant drawback is the lack of regulation. The search results indicate that Vintage Trade Option has no valid regulatory information, which raises concerns about the safety and security of funds. Regulation is essential as it ensures that brokers adhere to certain standards and safeguards the interests of traders.

Another concerning factor is the suspicious scope of business and the high potential risk associated with Vintage Trade Option. The search results highlight that the platform has a suspicious regulatory license and emphasizes the need for caution. This suggests that the legitimacy of Vintage Trade Option's operations may be questionable.

Additionally, the low scores in the license index, business index, risk management index, and regulatory index further indicate potential risks and lack of transparency. These factors can significantly impact the reliability and trustworthiness of the platform.

On the positive side, the search results mention that Vintage Trade Option offers a user-friendly interface and a variety of deposit and withdrawal options. However, these aspects alone should not outweigh the concerns related to regulation and legitimacy.

In conclusion, Vintage Trade Option raises multiple red flags, including the lack of regulation, suspicious regulatory license, and potential risks. It is crucial to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with this platform. Considering the risks involved, it is advisable to explore regulated and reputable alternatives in the market.


Q: Is Vintage Trade Option regulated? A: No, Vintage Trade Option has no valid regulatory information. It operates without regulation, which poses potential risks to traders.

Q: Where is Vintage Trade Option based? A: Vintage Trade Option is based in the United States.

Q: What services does Vintage Trade Option offer? A: Vintage Trade Option offers trading services in the stock market, foreign exchange market (Forex Trade), and gold trading.

Q: What is the website of Vintage Trade Option? A: The website of Vintage Trade Option is

Q: What is the contact information for Vintage Trade Option? A: The phone number for Vintage Trade Option is +1 (413) 268-4685. The company address is not provided.

Q: Is Vintage Trade Option a legitimate broker? A: The available information suggests that Vintage Trade Option operates without regulation and has a low score, indicating potential risks. It is important to exercise caution and conduct further research before engaging with this broker.

Q: What are the potential risks associated with Vintage Trade Option? A: Vintage Trade Option is considered high risk due to its lack of regulation and suspicious scope of business. It is advisable to be aware of the potential risks involved in trading with this broker.

Q: Are there any user reviews or complaints about Vintage Trade Option? A: The provided information does not mention specific user reviews or complaints about Vintage Trade Option. It is recommended to search for additional reviews or feedback from users to gain more insights into their experiences with the broker.


  • 2-5 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • High potential risk
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