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Australia|5-10 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License| Suspicious Scope of Business| Clone Firm Australia| High potential risk


Rating Index


+61 3 9900 7700
Level 39 55 Collins Street Melbourne Vic 3000



License No. 000337985

Keywords 5
5-10 years
Suspicious Regulatory License
Suspicious Scope of Business
Clone Firm Australia
High potential risk
Warning: Low score, please stay away!
  • The claimed AustraliaASIC regulation (license number: 000337985) is verified as a clone firm. Please pay attention to the risk!

Basic Information

Registered Region
Operating Period
5-10 years
Company Name
Spectrum Live Pty Ltd
Company employee
Customer Service Email Address
Contact Number
Company address
Level 39 55 Collins Street Melbourne Vic 3000
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Company Summary

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Official website

EC Markets

10-15 yearsRegulated in AustraliaMarket Maker (MM)MT4 Full License
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EC Markets
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Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area Australia
Company Name Spectrum Live
Regulation Suspicious Clone
Minimum Deposit $100
Maximum Leverage Not specified
Spreads Not specified
Trading Platforms Not specified
Tradable Assets Forex currency pairs, forex options, stocks, stock options, ETFs, ETCs, futures, bonds, contract options, commodities
Account Types Not specified (potential issues with account creation)
Demo Account Issues with demo account creation reported
Islamic Account Not specified
Customer Support Limited contact information provided (email +61 3 9900 7700), lacks live chat and phone support
Payment Methods Payment details not available
Educational Tools No educational resources mentioned
Website Status Website availability not specified (potential issues reported)
Reputation (Scam or Not) Regulatory concerns and redirection to a different broker raise significant doubts about reputation


Spectrum Live, based in Australia, raises significant concerns in various aspects. The company's regulatory status is questionable, and it lacks transparency in key areas. While the minimum deposit is set at $100, critical information such as maximum leverage and spreads remains undisclosed. The trading platform, account types, and Islamic account availability are unspecified, and there have been reported issues with the demo account creation process.

Customer support is limited, with only an email address and phone number provided, lacking live chat or phone support options. Detailed payment methods are not available, hindering efficient account management.

The absence of educational resources suggests a lack of commitment to trader education and development. Additionally, there are potential issues with the website's availability. Regulatory concerns and redirection to a different broker cast doubt on Spectrum Live's reputation and credibility, urging caution and further investigation by prospective traders.



Spectrum's use of a suspicious and potentially faked regulatory license raises serious concerns about the company's compliance with legal and ethical standards. This situation warrants a thorough investigation by the relevant authorities to ensure transparency and accountability in Spectrum's operations. Consumers and stakeholders should exercise caution and demand transparency until the matter is resolved.


Pros and Cons

Spectrum Live presents a mix of advantages and concerning drawbacks. On the positive side, the broker offers a diverse range of market instruments, catering to various investment preferences. Traders have access to forex currency pairs, options trading, stocks, ETFs, and more. However, the broker is marred by regulatory concerns, account creation issues, and a lack of transparency regarding spreads and commissions. Additionally, limited information on deposit and withdrawal methods, an unspecified trading platform, and limited customer support options raise significant red flags. The absence of educational resources and an unavailable website further compound these concerns. Traders should exercise caution and consider alternative options until these issues are addressed.

Pros Cons
Diverse Range of Market Instruments Regulatory Concerns and Suspicion
Wide Variety of Investment Options Account Creation Issues and Redirection to a Different Broker
Availability of Forex Currency Pairs Lack of Transparency on Spreads and Commissions
Forex Options Trading for Risk Management Limited Information on Deposit and Withdrawal Methods
Access to Stock Trading Unspecified Trading Platform
Availability of Stock Options Limited Customer Support Options
Access to ETFs for Diversified Investments Absence of Educational Resources
Investment Opportunities in ETCs (Commodities) Unavailability of Broker's Website
Futures Contracts for Speculation
Bond Trading for Fixed-Income Investments
Contract Options for Risk Management

Market Instruments

The broker offers a diverse range of market instruments for trading, catering to a wide variety of investment preferences. These instruments include:

  1. Forex Currency Pairs: Traders can engage in forex trading with various currency pairs, allowing for international currency exchange and speculation.

  1. Forex Options Trading: The broker provides options trading in the forex market, offering traders additional flexibility in managing risk and exposure.

  2. Stocks: Investors can trade shares of publicly listed companies, participating in the equity markets.

  3. Stock Options: The availability of stock options allows traders to leverage their positions and manage their stock holdings more strategically.

  4. ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds): ETFs offer a diversified way to invest in a basket of assets, such as stocks, bonds, or commodities, providing exposure to various market sectors.

  5. ETCs (Exchange-Traded Commodities): ETCs allow traders to invest in commodities like precious metals, energy, or agricultural products through exchange-traded instruments.

  6. Futures: Futures contracts enable traders to speculate on the future price movements of commodities, financial instruments, or indices.

  7. Bonds: The broker offers bond trading, allowing investors to participate in the fixed-income markets.

  8. Contract Options: Contract options provide traders with additional derivatives tools to manage risk or speculate on the price movements of underlying assets.

While the list of available instruments is comprehensive, the absence of spread values and leverage information can be a notable drawback, as these factors are crucial for traders to assess the cost of trading and manage risk effectively. Traders should seek clarity on these aspects from the broker to make informed decisions.

Account Types

Based on the information provided, it appears that there might be some confusion or technical issues with the account creation process for the broker in question. Here's a description of the potential account types and the problems encountered:

Account Types:

  1. Demo Account: A demo account is typically offered for practice purposes, allowing traders to familiarize themselves with the trading platform and test their strategies without risking real money. However, in this case, you mentioned that the demo account creation process was broken, preventing you from creating one. This issue can hinder traders from gaining valuable experience before trading live.

  2. Live Account: A live account is used for real trading with actual funds. It's the primary account for executing trades in the financial markets. In your case, when attempting to create a live account, you were redirected to Saxo Markets (Saxo Capital Markets Australia Limited), which is a subsidiary of Saxo Bank operating under regulation in Australia. This redirection is unexpected and could potentially cause confusion for traders who intended to open an account with the initial broker.


  1. Broken Demo Account Process: The broken demo account creation process is a significant problem, as it deprives potential traders of the opportunity to practice and gain confidence in their trading skills without risking their capital. This issue should be resolved to provide a seamless onboarding experience for users.

  2. Unexpected Redirection: The redirection to a subsidiary, Saxo Markets, during the live account creation process is unexpected and could lead to confusion among users. It's crucial for brokers to ensure that their account creation processes are clear and direct, guiding users to the appropriate platform or subsidiary.

In summary, the problems you encountered during the account creation process, including the broken demo account process and the redirection to Saxo Markets, indicate a potential issue with the broker's website or platform that needs to be addressed to improve the user experience and clarity for prospective traders.



Spectrum Live does not provide specific information about the leverage. Leverage in forex trading is typically expressed as a ratio (e.g., 1:50, 1:100, etc.) and represents the amount of borrowed capital a trader can use to control a larger position size in a trade. Leverage amplifies both potential profits and potential losses in trading. To ascertain the exact leverage options available with Spectrum Live, traders should consult the broker's official website or directly contact their customer support for accurate and up-to-date information.

Spreads and Commissions

Spectrum Live does not offer specific information regarding spreads and commissions on its website. To obtain accurate details regarding these aspects, traders should refer to Spectrum Live's official website or directly contact their customer support. It is crucial for traders to have transparency on spreads and commissions, as these factors can significantly impact trading costs and profitability.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Spectrum Live does not provide specific details about its deposit and withdrawal methods in the information provided. While a minimum deposit of $100 is vaguely mentioned, there is no comprehensive information available regarding payment options or withdrawal processes. Traders seeking precise information about deposit and withdrawal methods, as well as any associated fees or requirements, should visit Spectrum Live's official website or directly contact their customer support. Access to clear and comprehensive deposit and withdrawal methods is essential for traders to efficiently manage their accounts and access their funds as needed.

Trading Platforms


Spectrum Live does not specify the trading platform it offers in the provided information. The details regarding the trading platform, including its features and functionalities, are not mentioned. Traders interested in this broker's trading platform should visit Spectrum Live's official website or contact their customer support directly to obtain accurate and up-to-date information. The choice of a trading platform is a critical aspect of a trader's experience, as it significantly influences their ability to execute trades and manage their investments effectively.

Customer Support

Spectrum Live's customer support, based on the information provided, appears to have several shortcomings. Firstly, the lack of specific contact information beyond an email address (+61 3 9900 7700) suggests limited accessibility, making it potentially challenging for traders to reach out for assistance in a timely manner.

Moreover, relying solely on an email address for customer support may indicate a lack of real-time support options, which can be frustrating for traders, especially in urgent situations. The absence of live chat, phone lines, or dedicated support staff could result in delays in addressing inquiries and concerns.

Overall, Spectrum Live's customer support seems to lack the immediate and multi-channel support that many traders expect from a reliable broker, potentially hindering the customer experience.

Educational Resources

Based on the information provided, Spectrum Live does not appear to offer educational resources to assist traders in improving their knowledge and skills. The absence of educational materials, such as tutorials, webinars, or educational articles, can limit the opportunities for traders, especially those who are new to the financial markets, to enhance their understanding and make informed trading decisions. A lack of educational resources may also suggest that the broker may not prioritize trader education and support in its services.


Spectrum Live's regulatory concerns, account creation issues, lack of transparency regarding spreads and commissions, absence of comprehensive deposit and withdrawal information, undisclosed trading platform, and limited customer support options raise significant red flags about the broker's credibility and commitment to providing a trustworthy trading environment. Furthermore, the unavailability of its website compounds these concerns, leaving traders with a lack of critical information and access to essential resources. Traders should exercise extreme caution and consider alternative, more transparent options until Spectrum Live addresses these fundamental issues.


Q: Is Spectrum Live regulated?

A: Spectrum Live presents regulatory concerns, with unclear affiliations and a potentially faked regulatory license. Traders should exercise caution and seek further clarification.

Q: What trading instruments are available with Spectrum Live?

A: Spectrum Live offers a diverse range of trading instruments, including forex currency pairs, stocks, ETFs, futures, and more. However, information about spreads and commissions is not readily available.

Q: Can I open a demo account with Spectrum Live?

A: The review mentions issues with the demo account creation process, making it unclear whether demo accounts are currently accessible.

Q: What is the minimum deposit required to open an account with Spectrum Live?

A: The minimum deposit is mentioned as $100, but further details about deposit methods and requirements are lacking.

Q: Does Spectrum Live provide educational resources?

A: Based on the information available, Spectrum Live does not appear to offer educational materials or resources for traders to enhance their knowledge and skills.


  • 5-10 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • Clone Firm Australia
  • High potential risk
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