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Indonesia|5-10 years|
Regulated in Indonesia| Retail Forex License| Suspicious Scope of Business| Medium potential risk


Rating Index


+62 (021) 397 20818
Gedung AXA Tower, Kuningan City lt. 38 Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 18, Jakarta Selatan 12490
The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!
VPS Standard
No restriction on the broker account

Single Core




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Basic Information

Registered Region
Operating Period
5-10 years
Company Name
Global Intra Berjangka
Company employee
Customer Service Email Address
Contact Number
Company address
Gedung AXA Tower, Kuningan City lt. 38 Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 18, Jakarta Selatan 12490
Company Summary

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Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area Indonesia
Founded Year 2004
Company Name GIB
Regulation BAPPEBTI and ICDX
Minimum Deposit Not specified
Maximum Leverage Not specified
Spreads Not specified
Trading Platforms Not specified
Tradable Assets Multilateral Contract1. Mining Commodities2. Plantation Committee3. GOFXBilateral Contract1. Foreign Currency (Foreign Exchange)2. Gold & Silver Index3. Index of Crude Oil (Crude Oil)4. Index Stock
Account Types Regular Account, Mini Account
Demo Account Available
Customer Support Email, Phone Calls, Social Media
Payment Methods Bank Transfer
Educational Tools Not specified

Overview of GIB

GIB has been established since 2004, which is a regulated financial institution based in Indonesia. It is regulated by two entities: BAPPEBTI and ICDX (Indonesia Commodity and Derivatives Exchange). GIB offers various market instruments categorized into multilateral contracts and bilateral contracts. Multilateral contracts include investment opportunities in mining commodities, plantation commodities, and forex options. Bilateral contracts include foreign currency trading, gold and silver index, crude oil index, and index stock. GIB provides two types of accounts: Demo Account and Real Account. The Demo Account allows novice traders to learn and practice trading without risks, while the Real Account enables traders to engage in real transactions. The Real Account offers Regular Accounts and Mini Accounts.

For customer support, GIB provides various contact channels, including email, phone calls, and social media. It is important to provide clear and accurate information when contacting customer service and allow some time for their response.


Is GIB legit or a scam?

PT. GLOBAL INTRA BERJANGKA is regulated by BAPPEBTI in Indonesia under the license number of 587/BAPPEBTI/SI/XII/2004. BAPPEBTI was launched in 2005 to regulate certain sections of the financial services industry in Indonesia. It is the only agency with regulatory responsibility for various financial institutions.


Global Intra Berjangka, PT is regulated by the Indonesia Commodity and Derivatives Exchange (ICDX) in Indonesia at the license number of 044/SKPB/ICDX/DIR/IX/2010. ICDX is the internationally known commodity and derivatives based exchange in Indonesia.ICDX provides a safe, robust and transparent market to manage risk or for those who want to profit by accepting risk. ICDX provides an efficient and transparent market for commodities in Indonesia, as well as providing risk management tool for the market player.


Thus, GIB obeys and complies with these supervisory agencies, where its function and role is to provide protection for the rights of all related parties.

Pros and Cons

GIB offers a range of market instruments through both multilateral and bilateral contracts, providing investors with opportunities in sectors such as mining, plantations, foreign exchange, gold and silver, crude oil, and stock indices. This variety allows investors to diversify their portfolios and potentially benefit from different market movements. GIB also offers demo accounts for novice traders to learn and practice trading techniques, as well as regular and mini accounts for real trading. The account opening process is straightforward, and GIB provides customer support through email, phone calls, and social media. However, it's worth noting that funds can only be deposited and withdrawn through bank transfers, and withdrawals are subject to certain conditions. Overall, GIB's regulated status and range of market instruments make it a legitimate option for investors, but users should carefully review the terms and conditions and seek further information if needed.

Pros Cons
Regulated by BAPPEBTI and ICDX Limited types of trading accounts
Offers a variety of market instruments Funds can only be deposited via bank transfer
Demo account available for practice Response time for customer support may vary
Transparent market for commodities Limited information on fees and charges
Limited availability of educational resources
Limited withdrawal options

Market Instruments

GIB (Global Investment Bank) offers products, which can be categorized into two types: multilateral contracts and bilateral contracts.

Multilateral Contracts:

1. Mining Commodities: GIB provides investment opportunities in the mining sector, allowing investors to participate in the extraction and trading of various commodities, such as metals, minerals, and energy resources.

2. Plantation Committee: This investment product focuses on the agricultural sector, particularly plantations. Investors can gain exposure to plantations of various crops, such as palm oil, rubber, tea, or coffee, and benefit from the potential returns generated by the production and sale of these commodities.

3. GOFX (Global Options Forex): GOFX is a multilateral contract offered by GIB that enables investors to trade in foreign exchange (Forex) options. It allows investors to speculate on the fluctuations in currency exchange rates and potentially generate profits based on their predictions.


Bilateral Contracts:

1. Foreign Currency (Foreign Exchange): GIB offers bilateral contracts in foreign currency trading, allowing investors to buy, sell, and speculate on the exchange rates of different currencies. This product provides opportunities for investors to capitalize on currency fluctuations and make profits from foreign exchange trading.

2. Gold & Silver Index: GIB provides investment products linked to the performance of the gold and silver markets. Investors can trade or invest in these contracts to gain exposure to the price movements of precious metals and potentially benefit from their value appreciation.

3. Index of Crude Oil (Crude Oil): GIB offers investment opportunities in the crude oil market through bilateral contracts. Investors can participate in the price movements of crude oil and potentially profit from changes in the oil market.

4. Index Stock: GIB provides investment products linked to stock market indices. These contracts allow investors to gain exposure to the overall performance of a specific stock market index, such as the S&P 500 or the FTSE 100, without directly investing in individual stocks.

Account Types

The following is information on the types of accounts available on GIB that you need for information before starting trading. GIB provides a demo account and a real account, with a real account consisting of Regular Account and Mini Account.

Demo Account

On this account, for novice traders it is the best way to learn and learn the mechanics before plunging directly into the world of trading. Because here traders can have the opportunity to try without fear of the risks caused. Apart from novice traders, a demo account is indispensable for advanced traders to hone their trading techniques.

Real Account

After completing the demo account registration, you can make a request to create a real account. On a Real Account, you can start real transactions as a trader. GIB only provides Regular Accounts and Mini Accounts.


How to Open an Account?

To open an account with GIB (Giberjangka), you can follow these general steps:

1. Visit the GIB website: Go to

2. Navigate to account opening: Look for options like “Open Real Account” on the website. Click on the appropriate link to start the account opening process.


3. Provide personal information: Fill out the account opening form with your personal details, which may include your full name, email address, phone number, and any other required information.

4. Choose an account type: GIB may offer different types of accounts.

5. Review and accept terms: Read through the terms and conditions or user agreement provided by GIB. Ensure you understand and agree to the terms before proceeding.

6. Submit the application: Once you have filled out all the necessary information and reviewed it for accuracy, submit the account opening application.

7. Await confirmation: After submitting your application, you may need to wait for GIB to review and verify your information. They will typically contact you via email or phone to confirm the status of your account.

8. Fund your account: Once your account is approved and activated, you can proceed to deposit funds into your GIB account using the available payment methods provided by the platform.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Please note that funds can only be deposited into your GIB account through Bank Transfer. You will need to transfer the funds from a bank account with the same name as stated during the initial account opening process. Deposits should be directed to a designated GIB account that has been approved by CoFTRA (assuming it refers to a regulatory authority).

To withdraw funds from your GIB account, you can use the Client Area. Simply submit a withdrawal request through the client area, indicating the amount you wish to withdraw. If your withdrawal request is received before 12:00 WIB (Western Indonesian Time), the funds will be transferred to your registered account on the same day. It's important to note that funds can only be transferred to a bank account with the same name as stated during the initial account opening process.

If you have any further questions or require more specific details, it's recommended to refer to the information provided on the GIB official website or contact their customer service for assistance.

Customer Support

If you have any questions or issues regarding trading or need assistance, you can use the contact information available on their official website. Here's how you can reach out to them through various channels:

1. Email: Check the official website for the email address provided by GIB customer service. You can compose an email with your queries or concerns and send it to the designated email address.

2. Phone Calls: Look for the phone number (021) 397 20818 (Evelin) provided on the GIB website for customer support. You can dial that number and speak with a representative directly. Prepare your questions or concerns in advance to make the call more efficient.

3. Social Media: GIB has official social media accounts on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Visit their official social media profiles and check if they provide customer support through direct messages or comments.

When contacting GIB customer service, it's essential to provide clear and accurate information about your query or issue. Be patient and allow some time for their response, as the response time may vary depending on their workload.



In conclusion, GIB is a legitimate broker regulated by BAPPEBTI and ICDX in Indonesia. These regulatory bodies ensure that GIB complies with industry standards and provides protection for its customers. GIB offers a range of market instruments, including multilateral and bilateral contracts, allowing investors to participate in various sectors such as mining commodities, plantations, foreign exchange, gold and silver, crude oil, and stock market indices. They provide different types of accounts, including demo and real accounts, catering to both novice and experienced traders. GIB's account opening process is straightforward, and customer support is available through email, phone calls, and social media. Overall, GIB claims to provide a secure and transparent trading environment for its customers.


Q: Is GIB a trustworthy company or a scam?

A: GIB is a legitimate company regulated by BAPPEBTI and ICDX in Indonesia. It operates under the supervision of the Indonesian Ministry of Finance and complies with all necessary regulations to ensure customer protection.

Q: What types of market instruments does GIB offer?

A: GIB offers a range of market instruments, including multilateral contracts such as mining commodities, plantation committee, and GOFX (Global Options Forex), as well as bilateral contracts like foreign currency trading, gold & silver index, index of crude oil, and index stock.

Q: What types of accounts does GIB provide?

A: GIB provides Regular Accounts and Mini Accounts for trading. These accounts allow customers to engage in real transactions and access the various features and services offered by GIB.

Q: How can I deposit and withdraw funds from my GIB account?

A: Funds can be deposited into your GIB account through Bank Transfer. Withdrawal requests can be made through the Client Area on the GIB website, indicating the desired amount to be withdrawn. Funds can only be transferred to a bank account with the same name as stated during the initial account opening process.

Q: How can I contact GIB customer support?

A: You can reach out to GIB customer support through various channels. You can send an email to the designated email address, call the provided phone number, or check their official social media accounts for support for contact purposes.


  • 5-10 years
  • Regulated in Indonesia
  • Retail Forex License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • Medium potential risk
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