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Wise Trader

Cyprus|5-10 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License| Suspicious Scope of Business| Clone Firm Cyprus| High potential risk


Rating Index



+357 251 23326


Licensed Entity:F1Markets Ltd

License No. 267/15

Keywords 5
5-10 years
Suspicious Regulatory License
Suspicious Scope of Business
Clone Firm Cyprus
High potential risk
Company Summary

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Company Summary

Company name Wise Trader
Registered in Cyprus
Regulated Unregulated
Years of establishment 2015
Trading instruments Forex, stocks, indices, commodities, cryptocurrencies
Account Types Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Rhodium
Minimum Initial Deposit €250
Maximum leverage 1:500
Minimum spread 3 pips
Trading platform MetaTrader 4 (MT4)
Deposit and withdrawal methods Credit/debit cards, wire transfer, Skrill, Neteller
Customer service 24/7 via live chat, email, and phone

Overview of Wise Trader

Wise Trader is a Cyprus-based brokerage founded in 2015, offering a wide range of trading instruments, including forex, stocks, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. The broker provides various account types, such as Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Rhodium, catering to traders with different levels of experience and capital. With a minimum deposit requirement of €250, traders can access leverage up to 1:500 for increased trading potential.

However, it's essential to note that Wise Trader operates as an unregulated broker. They utilize the popular MetaTrader 4 (MT4) trading platform, ensuring a robust and user-friendly trading experience. The spreads start from 3 pips, and traders have the flexibility to use different payment methods, including credit/debit cards, wire transfers, Skrill, and Neteller. To address any queries or concerns, Wise Trader provides customer support 24/7 through live chat, email, and phone channels.

Is Wise Trader legit or a scam?

Wise Trader is a clone firm with a fraudulent claim of being regulated by Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) with license number: 267/15. It is crucial to emphasize the significant risk and potential scam associated with this broker.

Please be aware that the number of negative field survey reviews for Wise Trader has reached 1, indicating a high level of risk and possible fraudulent activities. Engaging with unregulated or clone firms like Wise Trader can lead to severe financial losses, as they may employ unethical practices and exploit unsuspecting investors.

To safeguard your investments and protect yourself from potential scams, it is of utmost importance to exercise extreme caution and avoid any financial transactions with Wise Trader. Legitimate brokers are regulated by recognized financial authorities, adhere to strict compliance standards, and have positive feedback from traders.


Pros and Cons

Wise Trader offers a wide range of trading instruments, including forex, stocks, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. This diverse selection allows traders to access various markets and opportunities, enabling them to diversify their portfolios and adapt to changing market conditions.

Additionally, the broker provides competitive spreads and commissions. The presence of good customer support further enhances the trading experience. Moreover, Wise Trader's comprehensive educational resources empowers traders with valuable knowledge.

One significant drawback of Wise Trader is its lack of regulation, raising concerns about the safety and security of client funds and the overall fairness of trading conditions. Additionally, the absence of a demo account deprives traders of the opportunity to practice. The high withdrawal fees may deter some traders from accessing their funds promptly and cost-effectively.

Furthermore, some clients may find the trading platform, MetaTrader 4 (MT4), to be less user-friendly compared to other platforms. Furthermore, Wise Trader has received one negative field survey review, which should be taken into account.

Pros Cons
Wide range of trading instruments Unregulated
Competitive spreads and commissions No demo account
Good customer support High withdrawal fees
Educational resources Trading platform not as user-friendly
One negative field survey review

Market Instruments

Wise Trader's offering of a wide range of trading instruments is a significant advantage for traders seeking diversified investment opportunities. The availability of forex, stocks, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies allows traders to explore various markets and capitalize on different asset classes. This diversity caters to traders with different risk profiles and investment strategies, enabling them to adjust their portfolios based on market conditions and achieve their financial goals more effectively.

Account Types

Wise Trader offers a variety of trading account types, each tailored to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of traders.

Starting with the Bronze account, traders can open this entry-level account with a minimum deposit of just €250. The Silver account, requiring a deposit of €2,500, provides additional benefits while still maintaining similar execution quality, trading signals, and a limited amount of one-on-one coaching as the Bronze account.

For more seasoned traders or those with larger capital, the Gold account is available, which demands a deposit of €10,000. This account builds on the benefits of the previous accounts, offering enhanced features and support to aid traders in their trading endeavors.

Stepping up further, the Platinum account requires a minimum deposit of €25,000. This account level introduces portfolio structuring services and account manager support, allowing traders to receive personalized guidance and strategic assistance.

Moving to even higher account tiers, the Diamond account necessitates a minimum deposit of €50,000, unlocking premium benefits and privileges for traders seeking an elite trading experience.

At the pinnacle of the account hierarchy is the exclusive Rhodium account, which demands a substantial minimum deposit of €100,000. This prestigious account level not only provides exceptional trading advantages but also includes additional perks such as a pre-paid card and exclusive access to annual on-site seminars.

How to Open an Account?

To open an account with Wise Trader, traders need to complete the registration process by providing basic personal information. The minimum initial deposit required varies depending on the chosen account type.


Wise Trader's offering of leverage up to 1:500 can be enticing to traders looking to amplify their potential gains. However, it is essential for traders to exercise caution and implement sound risk management practices. Leveraged trading carries a higher level of risk, as it can also lead to significant losses.

Wise Trader should emphasize risk education and provide resources to help traders understand the implications of using leverage and develop responsible risk management strategies.


Spreads & Commissions

Wise Trader operates as a fixed-spread broker, which means that the spreads on their trading instruments remain constant under normal market conditions, regardless of market liquidity or volatility. For major currency pairs, Wise Trader offers spreads starting from 3 pips.

Spreads represent the difference between the buying (ask) and selling (bid) prices of an asset. In the case of forex trading, the spread is the cost that traders pay to enter a trade. A spread of 3 pips means that traders will need to cover a 3-pip cost when they open a position on a major currency pair.

It's important to note that fixed spreads can offer stability and predictability to traders, especially during times of high market volatility or economic events when variable spreads tend to widen. However, fixed spreads may not always be as tight as variable spreads during normal market conditions, where some other brokers may offer lower spreads, especially for major currency pairs.

Trading Platform

While Wise Trader's use of the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform offers a powerful and feature-rich trading environment, concerns about user-friendliness should be addressed. Providing comprehensive tutorials and guides on how to navigate and utilize the platform effectively can empower traders, particularly beginners, to make the most of its advanced capabilities. Wise Trader may also consider exploring options for offering alternative user-friendly platforms to cater to diverse trader preferences.


Deposit & Withdrawal

Wise Trader's support for multiple deposit and withdrawal methods, coupled with the absence of deposit fees, contributes to a convenient and cost-effective funding process. However, the existence of withdrawal fees may be a point of concern for some traders. To improve client satisfaction, Wise Trader could evaluate its withdrawal fee structure and consider optimizing it to align with industry norms or offer fee-free withdrawals for a certain number of transactions per month.

Customer Support

The availability of 24/7 customer support via various channels, along with a knowledgeable and helpful support team, ensures that traders can seek assistance whenever needed. This commitment to excellent customer service enhances the overall trading experience for Wise Trader's clients.

Educational Resources

Wise Trader provides traders with a comprehensive trading academy. This academy encompasses a wealth of valuable materials, including an extensive library of videos, charts, courses, e-books, and specialized trading tools, all designed to empower traders in identifying and capitalizing on market opportunities effectively.

The educational offering at Wise Trader extends to a series of informative eBooks that cover a wide range of relevant topics, catering to the needs of aspiring traders as they embark on their learning journey. Additionally, the broker hosts live webinars that address timely and pertinent market subjects, providing traders with up-to-date insights and knowledge to navigate dynamic market conditions.

To further enhance traders' learning experiences, Wise Trader provides a pivot point calculator, a valuable tool used in technical analysis to identify potential support and resistance levels in the market. Additionally, a market news roundup is made available, enabling traders to stay informed about crucial events and developments shaping the financial landscape.


Wise Trader is a Cyprus-based brokerage that offers a diverse range of trading instruments, catering to both experienced and novice traders. While the broker provides various account types with competitive leverage options, it is essential to be aware that Wise Trader operates as an unregulated entity.

Traders can utilize the popular MetaTrader 4 platform for their trading activities, ensuring a familiar and reliable experience. However, the broker's spreads start from 3 pips, which may be considered relatively high in comparison to other industry offerings. Despite the drawback of being unregulated, Wise Trader takes pride in its commitment to education, offering a comprehensive trading academy to empower traders with valuable knowledge and skills. Customer support is available round the clock, facilitating prompt assistance to traders whenever needed.


Q: Is Wise Trader regulated?

A: No, Wise Trader is an unregulated brokerage.

Q: What is the minimum deposit required?

A: The minimum deposit is €250.

Q: Which trading platform does Wise Trader offer?

A: MetaTrader 4 (MT4) is the offered platform.

Q: What is the maximum leverage available?

A: The maximum leverage is 1:500.

Q: How can I contact customer support?

A: Support is available 24/7 via live chat, email, and phone.


  • 5-10 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • Clone Firm Cyprus
  • High potential risk

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